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Some critical comments on draft 4 (IANA/NSI)

To the people who control the ICANN bylaw drafting process...

Except for the lack of names for the initial BoD nominatoins, I find
Draft 4 to be very close to being OK for starters, but it needs
language to require that each SO and its Council must result from self
organization of the stakeholders in each SO domain of interest.

It will not be acceptable for the ICANN BoD to just pick one of
several competing candidates.  The same Pressure Cooker method used to
force resolution of differences that the White Paper used for ICANN,
should now be written into the ICANN bylaws to be used by SO
stakeholders to form their own councils and SO organizations, for
acceptance by the ICANN BoD.  This is especially needed for the Domain
Names Supporting Organizatoin (DNSO), but it will be most correct to
require it for all SO organizations, included any new ones that might
arise after the first three are in place.

In short, as I have advocated since the very beginning, we need to
convert any Zero Sum Game at the SO Council level into a Non-Zero Sum
Game, or the DNS wars will just continue on and on.  This is best done
with language in the ICANN bylaws that applies the concept of not
accepting any SO Council that does not enjoy broad Rough Consensus and
Running Code Support from the stakeholder community.

Best Regards;-)...\Stef

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