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Re: Shared database

Stef and all,

Einar Stefferud wrote:

> I might be helpful to parse the language more carefully;-)...
> Completion of negotiations is not the same as implementaion of the
> results of negotiations.
> So, Clough is speaking at cross purposes to Magaziner's point.
> And, of course they are not going to start working ahead on any
> separation until they complete the negotiations.

  THis line of pursuit is not a wise one in that it inevitable that there is going
to be a
separation and the Registration Database must be part of that separation by
negotiated agreement.  So to say that no implementation is or could be pursued
while negotiations are underway, seems like a stalling mechanism and is not in the

spirit of cooperation on the part of NSI.

> >From my point of view, it does not amtter that implementation will
> follow after completion of negotiations;-)...  What will matter the
> most is getting a settlement on which we can all bank.

  Settlement is one thing indeed that is important.  Sharing the
Registrationdatabase is at least as important.

> Cheers...\Stef
> PS: It is also very hopful as I see it that Magaziner continues to
>     reinforce the bit about how we all need to cooperate, or we will
>     all be sent to our rooms until we can learn to cooperate.

  Agreed, and that cooperation is a two sided coin.  One cannot have one side
cooperating without the other doing the same. If this is not done, than you do
NOT have cooperation by definition.

>     This refusal to leave any door open with even a crack to the
>     possibility that some bully will be able to con the US Govt into
>     getting the nod is very encouraging indeed.

  Depends on how you define "Bully".  And whom is viewed by whom that is a"Bully"
to the other.

>     The key is in cooperation, not in nasty press releases or in
>     bashing others on the net, as continues as we speak.

  Agreed.  And we still have far too much of this continuing.  This is mainly due
to a lack of trust between stakeholders, and organizations that stemmed from the

>     /s
> >From your message Sat, 25 Jul 1998 17:05:05 -0800:
> }
> }From:  Magaziner hopeful for domain deal, by Reuters (C/Net - July 24 1998) -
> }http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,24591,00.html
> }
> }Magaziner said Washington hoped to conclude negotiations with NSI by the
> }end of September to end its monopoly.
> }
> }But NSI's head of communications, Christopher Clough, said things may run
> }well behind that deadline. "It is at least a six- to nine-month process
> }just for the engineering and software needed and the shared database to be
> }completed," Clough told reporters.
> }--------------
> }And when was the work begun?  This has been a known deadline for five years.
> }
> }Ellen Rony                    "On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog."
> }Director, Alexander Works                               \\
> }Tiburon, California 94920                          \     @@==*
> }415/435-5010                                        ======
> }erony@marin.k12.ca.us                              //   \\


Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com

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