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Draft Proposal for IANA, Version 1.0
July 29, 1998
TO: Dr. Jon Postel, IANA
FROM: Stephen J. Page, an Individual Citizen of the United States
RE: Draft Proposal for IANA as an Internet-based Electromagnetic Energy
Transmission Trust, a Structural Foundation for building Administrative
Cooperation while maintaining Marketplace Competition, Version 1.0
Brief Introduction:
My apologies for any grammar errors or misspellings in the document below,
but this was put together late one the evening of June 30, 1998, in
preparation for the conference tomorrow. It is meant to be used as one
person's idea about how things should be structured in a manner which
recognizes the universal role of God's laws in affecting all things in
nature, and our inseparability from them. The thrust is on applying the
principles of science with the need for organization and order on the
Internet for its successful growth and evolution, with an emphasis on
delivering value to the individual person and internet user.
Consistent with the lessons shared by global leaders, most notably Mrs.
Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain during a recent conference at George
Mason University, the role of science should play a central
part in helping human beings bring future order to the Internet in the 21st
The Internet is an electromagnetic energy channel which enables individuals
to transform human energy into photons which travel from them through their
computer to any connected point on the Net to any other connected point on
the Net where they are presented for viewing by the receiver of the
information. The laws which govern the flow of energy from are the laws
of physics.
For the energy to be transformed and understood from one person to another,
a language must serve as the common denominator. Spoken, written, visual,
or sign language represent different forms of communicating between human
Each person, as owner of their brain, owns the capability to communicate
among all members of the species, homo sapiens. The right of each person
to communicate is a right recognized as a law of science in nature, which
increasingly recognizes each member of a given species is able to
communicate with other members of the same species.
The Internet is one of many communications media channels available for
communications to human beings. It is the only worldwide electromagnetic
communications media available to human beings which is controlled by the
individual user.
At the center of the Internet lies IANA service which organizes a database of
addresses which use language to map human language (domain names) into a
form which allows a person using one computer to identify a person or
location using another computer (IP addresses).
This domain naming database has been controlled and maintained by IANA as a
command and control function of the U.S. Government's Department of
Defense'. As the Internet has grown, the IANA is recognized to be no
longer a function
appropriate for a command and control organization.
General Principles:
In a command and control organization, like the military or like
traditional government, the power flows from the top of the organization,
down. In a situation where there exists no organization of individually
empowered persons, empowered with Internet browsers, any potential
organization represents a flow of power from the bottom up. In such a
situation, with the user control over the browser, the Internet is a
decentralized empowerment enabler of individuals into a unified structure.
Each person has as much power to use their individual energy for their own
purpose, as any other. Therefore, the Internet presently operates as an
informal electromagnetic energy transmission cooperative.
As such, the Internet is a medium whose actual organizational structure is
consistent with cooperation, the same cooperation used by any two
individuals when they communicate face-to-face. Internet connections from
one party to another can be viewed as being the distant equivalent of a
conversation between two people in one room.
As recognized in natural law, conversations between any two people are
recognized to be allowed by the law of physics to occur. Similarly, with
respect to the internet, conversations between any two internet users (or
between two uniquely addressed individuals), are needed to be formally
recognized to be allowed by the law of physics which governs the flow of
photons and electrons, to occur.
Specific Principles:
Therefore, all persons are recognized to be the sources of unique,
individually generated human energy, which they individually can control,
and which can
be used for their own purposes. Their purposes might be to send their
energy to another (either uniquely protected intellectual property, or
generically), or to receive energy from others, in the form of web pages,
email, digital pictures, (either uniquely protected intellectual property,
or generically).
Recognized in the U.S. Constitution to be a law of science (God's law), the
rights and
freedoms of individuals to speak freely, to own property, and to be
protected from the tyranny which is the result of unbridled power
concentrated into the hands of others, should be recognized to be
applicable to the Internet medium.
As the address-center of the Internet, the IANA has a major responsibility
to enable three services for all Internet users: IS (information
services), RS (registry services), DS (data services). Until now, no
document has directly applied to IANA, although presumably it has always
been applied under the contracts by IANA with the U.S. Dept of Defense.
These same three functions, IS, RS, and DS are maintained and provided by
the brains of each
individual person at the cellular level. Information services are provided
by the pathways &
sensory channels of the brain (eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin) which
connect to the cortical cells. Registry services are provided when the
cortical cells are stimulated electrochemically by input from other cells
or from the external environment. Data services are provided by the areas
of the brain which store the raw data for later retrieval.
As the individual human brain is structured in a manner which is unified
and subject to the laws of nature, enclosed in one constantly learning,
growing, and scaling system, so then must IANA be the coordinating body for
the learning, growing, and expanding system called the Internet. As each
cell functions in the human brain as a necessary part of a unified whole,
so does each person function on the Internet as a necessary part of a
unified whole.
The Vision of IANA's Leadership:
The Internet functions as an informal unified whole, although without a
formal recognition evident in the cellular cooperation of each individual.
IANA provides the first opportunity to formally recognize the unity of all
cooperating parties, which already physically exist. As one body of
interconnected physical beings, functioning just like cells in a body, the
Internet's users are interconnected beings who implicitly agree to
cooperate with one another for mutual benefit. As such, the structure
which is in harmony with this cooperation can be either a cooperative, a mutual
benefit association, a union, a trust, or a combination. All of these
represent the same principle.
However, superceding all of these structures is the law of physics which
governs the actual movement of the energy between all points on the
Internet. This law may seem so obvious to people that it is overlooked in the
interest of trying to meet the operational deadline of Sept. 30, 1998. It
not be overlooked.
It is the recognition that the aggregage flow of all humanly created energy
is a result of the cooperation of each individual user, so therefore each
user is an equal stakeholder in the generation and consumption of the
energy we call Internet So, whether the structure of participation is a
coop, mutual
benefit corp, a union, or a trust, the common denominator among all individuals
regardless of location, is the requirement for open access to the energy
available through the Internet.
Therefore, so that all people, present and future, can benefit from the
cooperative energy represented by the Internet, a Trust should be formed
which protects the rights of all persons to have access to the information,
and enables them to have an equal voice as one of the many unique
stakeholders on the Net.
If this trust indeed becomes reality, there needs to be a symbol which is
useful to describe both the essence of the individual stakeholder, the
essence of the Internet (energy), and the
principle of unity which has never before been formalized. Built upon this
foundation, IANA needs to be structured to provide service to all users of
each of the
three distinct services, IS, RS, and DS, as integrated elements of the
whole Internet.
Specific Points toward Building Unity:
Incorporate a trust, similar in structure to the Presidio of San Francisco,
called the Internet Electromagnetic Energy Channel Trust.
Choose the symbol "i" as the symbol for the Trust, representing the
organization's focus on service to "i"ndividuals, which will reflect the
values of the trust (or IANA). (The i(r) symbol is registered with the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for "Providing multiple user access to a
global computer information network for the transfer and dissemination of a
wide range of information.") The symbol can be licensed to the
Trust in exchange for providing information and data services in
conjunction with IANA.
The name of the trust, Internet Electromagnetic Energy Channel Trust, can
be abbreviated THE i(r) CHANNEL(r), for marketing and promotional purposes,
for worldwide inclusion.
"i.com", and "i.org" are intended to be activated by the Trust so that the
performance of information services (IS) will be more simple, consistent,
and logically linked to the principle of service to "i"ndividuals.
(Secondary address possibilities are the"i.com", the"i.org".)
Internic has already been notified of the Intent to Register "i.edu" for
"Providing multiple user access to a global computer information network
for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of EDUCATIONAL
www.NIC.GOV has already been notified of the intent to register "i.gov" for
"Providing multiple user access to a global computer information network
for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of GOVERNMENTAL
Summary of the Proposal
The absence of an Information Service (IS) which builds Intellectual
Infrastructure required for an involved and educated global citizenry is
very apparent, and is an opportunity which IANA is ideally suited to remedy.
By focusing on separating the IS, RS, and the DS functions, and doing so
with the protection of a trust, the Law of Nature's role in ordering the
flow of electrochemical and electromagnetic energy becomes the governing
law which supercedes all man-made law.
Once recognized as being God's law or the law of science in action, the
formalization of the cooperation which already exists between Internet
users, naturally flows, and what follows can be a stable, scalable Internet.
Dr.Stephen J. Page
an Individual Citizen of the U.S.
Proposer of THE i CHANNEL(r) Information Services Trust
T: 925-454-8624 F: 925-484-0448
email: usdh@ccnet.com
(c) Copyright, 1998. Stephen J. Page.
This copyright notice is intended to authenticate authorship. Please feel
free to duplicate so long as the notice is attached.
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