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Re: [ifwp] Re: announcement from the Berkman Center

Dave and all,

Dave Crocker wrote:

> At 01:56 PM 8/29/98 +0100, Jim Dixon wrote:
> >Yes, IANA has been doing its job for more than 15 years.  For most of
> >those 15 years that job has been almost entirely technical.  Insofar
> Jim, I thought you knew more about IANA's history.  Along with substantial
> changes to other aspects of Internet operations and technical development,
> evolution to a commercial Internet has resulted in assorted changes to
> IANA's work, over the last 8 years.

  This is indeed true Dave.  Unfortunately these changes that the IANAhave been
evolving towards have just not been as forthcoming as they need to be
and have been more often than not not in the best interest of the the Internet
community as a whole, as the White Paper indicated very clearly.  The IANA
has been allowed to run "amuck" and given far too much leeway without proper
oversight.  The creation ot ARIN stands out as a stark example of this behavior
on the part of the IANA's fairly recent escapades.

> This has been best evidenced by
> constant changes to the creation of the address registries and its
> arrangements with the modern IETF.

  Funny you should mention the IETF in the same sentence with the IANA Dave.From
many ot the conversations and E-Mails I have exchanged with several
different IETF projects that have been ongoing, the relationship the IANA
has had with the IETF has, shall we say been somewhat strained on many

> To view these many changes as strictly technical is to fail to look very
> carefully at the details.

  Possibly so Dave.  However the most relative into social and
politicalendeavors that the IANA has been engaged in most recently have
been pretty much viewed as miserable failures.  The leadership of the IANA has
failed to completely grasp the rapid changing and growth in the needs and
demands of the commercial aspects of the Internet.  In fact the IANA's
participation ing the creation of ARIN yet again stands out very starkly
as a good example of this assertion.  In addition the failure of the IANA to
come up with a workable plan to have gTLD's added to the DNS root
structure is also a good example of this miserable failure that you should be
very well aware of Dave.

> >However, for the last two or three years, IANA has been struggling less
> >and less successfully with the consequences of the growth of the Internet.
> The irony is that I remember thinking the same thing about 7 years go.  In
> other words, the "less successfully" attitude has more to do with the
> nature of the work than the actual performance of the workers.  In fact,
> many years ago, I had to counsel a network/system operations manager that
> they could only measure how well they were doing their work by how few
> complaints they got.  Operations rarely gets praise.  It's only a matter of
> how many/few complaints they get.
> >The Internet is no longer a tool of academics and researchers.  It is now
> Gosh, Jim.  Thanks for the insight.  Those of us from the commercial sector
> who have been developing and running the Internet for the last 8 years
> appreciate your having noticed the transition.

  Jim I believe was mearly pointing out that the IANA doesn't seem to have
bytheir actions and lack there of, appreciate this transition very well.  Their
biggest examples which I have already pointed out already twice in this
very response to your post.

> >Certainly this is true of some participants.  It may be true of most.
> >But what these participants are bringing with them is an understanding of
> >the larger world, an understanding that most of those with technical
> Efforts which focus on politics and power, with no concern for the
> stability of an existing service, do not represent an understanding of the
> larger world, except in its most destructive perspective, Jim.

  Yes the IANA has been a contributor to destructive and destabilizing effortsin
this area.  Most notably the IAHC commissioning.

> Efforts which focus on carefully integration of existing and new
> requirements are always welcome.  They have been for the 25 year history of
> the Internet, and they will continue to be.

  This too has not been the vast majority of those participating in these
discussionsand debates seem to disagree on this point quite distinctly.  Many
many examples
have been given over the past two years that you either seem to have forgotten
or have refused to recognize, as has the IANA.

> One hopes that people are careful to understand the difference between
> these two, very different kinds of "contributors", Jim.

  Yea one would.  Unfortunately along with the IANA, you seem to be having
troublewith doing this.

> d/
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Dave CROCKER                                       Brandenburg Consulting
> <mailto:dcrocker@brandenburg.com>            <http://www.brandenburg.com>
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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