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Re: [ifwp] Re: State of the art 1986 DNS
Craig and all,
Craig Simon wrote:
> > One man's stability is anothers stagnation.
> Well, if he'd had his druthers, there'd be alot of dramatic changes by now. Like
> more gTLDs and a global system of registrars. But some people intervened.
No one really intervened. What happened is now fairly clear history. The IANA
was not able to get gTLD's into the Root, simply because the IAHC plan that the
IANAcommissioned did NOT have a consensus.
> Is that his fault? Partly.
> If the I* folks had been more politically graceful, and if Postel were a more
> outspoken champion of his own cause, they probably would have had more success
> getting people to agree that their plan was a reasonable way to move forward.
The IANA's plan, essentially the as far as for DNS is concerned was theIAHC/MoU.
It was doomed since it started. It was not open, nor was
it well led.
> And they would have been better prepared to counter the resistance their
> opponents mounted so effectively.
The IANA set itself up to fail from the start on this score. It looks like it is
doingso again. Funny how habits are hard to break.
> In other words, he could have done a better job of engaging his critics, even if
> he could never hope to make them as happy or satisfied as the majority of the
> Internet engineering community seems to be with him.
The majority of the engineering was definitely NOT behind Jon or the IAHC
effortotherwise we should not bee here having these discussions and debates now.
> I know we disagree on the wisdom of the I* policy for evolving the root
> management functions, but that's another question. The point is that I give
> Postel credit for trying, and I appreciate the fact that he's been confronted by
> a remarkably harsh opposition. The current stagnation was certainly not his
> plan.
First of all, as one of my very first squadron commanders once told me,Trying just
don't get the job done. It is still a mystery to many just what
the IANA's plan really was or for that matter is other than to be an
INternet czar. That idea will never work.
> Craig
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Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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