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New gTLD Comments by Alexei Sozonov, Regtime Ltd., April 8, 2009

  • To: <2gtld-terms@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: New gTLD Comments by Alexei Sozonov, Regtime Ltd., April 8, 2009
  • From: "Alexei Sozonov" <sozon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 17:41:25 -0700

Comments on New gTLD Applicant Guidebook Version 2

Submitted By: Alexei Sozonov, Company: Regtime Ltd.
Company URL: http://www.regtime.net Date: April 8, 
3. In case if in some countries local laws have been issued to prevent the 
deployment of  IDN TLDs in local scripts, 
local government consent will be needed. What ICANN planing to do to clarify 
this issue before application round opening?

5. Please take into consideraton that clause 5  is to extensive.

6. Please take into consideraton that forgoing the right to sue or challenge 
another party is illegal in many countries. 
In case if ICANN or the applicant are having legal issues charge and 
investigation, right to sue should 
remain open. The opposite is against ICANN's widely stated mission of openness, 
transparency, fairness and accountability.

7.  In case if submitted applicants material marked as confidential, will ICANN 
keep it confidential? It's not clear now.


Alexei Sozonov

a.sozonov / vp regtime ltd / sozon@xxxxxxxxx / 1.604.7739204

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