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Clarification on comment: Application for gTLD; intention to only use for one registered domain name

  • To: <2gtld-transition@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Clarification on comment: Application for gTLD; intention to only use for one registered domain name
  • From: "Hammersley, Faye M." <FAYE.M.HAMMERSLEY@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 12:28:01 -0400

A clarification on my earlier comment:
Can applicants apply for a new gTLD and use it for only one domain name?

For example, apply for ".companyname" and register only one domain name within 
that gTLD (e.g., "companyname.company name) to redirect to the applicant's 
".com" home page?  
The main purpose would be to prevent others from registering the ".companyname" 
gTLD, but it would still be in use (albeit for one registered second-level TLD 
that redirects to the company's current home page).  

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