FW: gTLDs - Draft Applicant Guidebook Version 4
To the Board of Directors of ICANN: Several outstanding issues have not been adequately addressed in connection with DAG Version 4, namely: 1. Concerns of the World Health Organization as expressed in the letter from Carissa Etienne, Assistant Director-General of Health Systems and Services to ICANN President and CEO Rod Beckstrom dated December 9, 2009 regarding public health and safety issues involved with International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical products. (See attached copy.) 2. Concerns over abuse in the secondary market for new TLD registrations which ICANN is not in a position to adequately monitor from a contract compliance standpoint due to the unlimited nature of the proposed gTLDs. Please see, for example, the attached file evidence of a sex(dot)sex U.S. trademark registration in anticipation of the issuance of a (dot) sex TLD. This trademark registration was recently offered for sale on e-bay with a description of the upcoming issuance of unlimited gTLDs. (There is no discussion in the offer for sale regarding the relevant industry or the goods description or any good will associated with the mark.) 3. Concerns over abuse of solicitations for defensive registrations. Please see, for example, the attached fax received at the law office of the commenter warning our firm of a "Final Notice" in accordance with the "United States Legal Code" that we are "required to advise the domain notification processor of your intent to (a) secure this domain name or (b) release your first right to use preference" This fax notice also includes the following statement: "If you disregard this notice or fail to reply by the deadline indicated above (a) The licensing rights of this domain name may be assigned to any other applicant, (b) UDL and or any ICANN accredited registrar will not be liable for loss of domain license, identical or confusingly similar use of your company's domain name, or interruption of business activity of business losses". In this regard, authorization by ICANN of an unlimited number of new gTLDs creates an unlimited number of potential problems resulting from the use of intimidating techniques for forcing defensive registrations. 4. Concerns over ICANN's decision, in connection with the issuance of unlimited gTLDs, to omit Sunrise and Clearinghouse protection for common law trademarks, globally well-known marks, and registrations which have allegedly not received "substantive examination" as more particularly described in the attached comments provided by the Intellectual Property Constituency on the recommendations of the STI group in January of 2010. Without additional restrictions and monitoring systems in place prior to issuance, the prospect of unlimited generic TLDs provides the prospect of unlimited abuse and market disruption, which may ultimately undermine global consumer confidence in the domain name registration system. Unlimited gTLDs should not be implemented without further analysis to be conducted on a case-by-case basis with respect to each of the proposed new TLDs. In addition, each registrar awarded a new gTLD should be required to designate by name a Compliance Officer responsible for contract compliance and should be required to notify ICANN immediately of any changes in that designation. Registrars should also be required to provide prominent public notice on their home page of the name and contact information for the designated Compliance Officer. Concerns regarding inaccurate Whois information should likewise be addressed prior to implementation of the new gTLD program. By adoption of the DAG 4 as proposed without adequately addressing the above issues, ICANN would also put the organization itself at risk for claims of market disruption and the ICANN directors at risk for claims of breach of fiduciary duty. Precipitous action in relation to unlimited gTLDs risks ICANN's longterm credibility with stakeholders, including, but not limited to, WHO and WIPO. Therefore, the process should be more deliberate and careful despite pressure from private sector registrars. Respectfully submitted, Anne Aikman-Scalese ************************************************************************ * Anne E. Aikman-Scalese aaikman@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:aaikman@xxxxxxxxx> Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw and Villamana P. C. 5210 E. Williams Circle Suite 800 Tucson AZ 85711 (520) 202-7835 (Voice) (520) 745-1279 (Fax) ************************************************************************ ** This e-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named within the message. 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WHO-INN Names.pdf Attachment:
sex.sex US trademark.pdf Attachment:
FaxFromUSDomainLicensing.PDF Attachment:
IPC - gTLDJanuary2010Comments.pdf Attachment:
U.S.Registration3755527.pdf |