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Academia Representation on NomCom

  • To: academia-nomcom@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Academia Representation on NomCom
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 10:34:03 -0400

To the ICANN Board,

I would like to suggest using a rotation method similar to the one used by the 
The ICANN Technical Liaison Group.

In other words, several organizations could be designated an ICANN Academic 
Nomcom Representative List, and each of these organizations could appoint an 
academic for a one  year slot on the Nomcom.

Organizations like the following, could be considered for such a list:

- GigaNet - Global Internet Governance Academic network
- IRSG - Internet Research Sterring Group

I am sure there are others.

Avri Doria
Submitted as an individual

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