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.XXX domain is a joke

  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: .XXX domain is a joke
  • From: "Christopher Johnson" <CJohnson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:27:46 -0700

I must say that anyone who things pornographers are going to voluntarily remove 
all their material from other domains and move them to a .xxx domain only 
doesn't have a clue about how the industry works.  Things are so cheap on the 
internet that they can duplicate the same material on other domains and on the 
.xxx domain.  I don't see that this option will remove a single website from 
any other domain.  All it will do is provide for another area for this kind of 
garbage to accumulate.
I also believe that many people are naive to how the porn industry works.  They 
don't just target their smut to those people who are looking for it.  They put 
their smut in as many places as possible so they can lure people, including our 
children, into their world.  I think this is one of the most preposterous ideas 
I've ever heard of.  And I believe that if people would really think it 
through, they would realize that there is only detriment to the general public.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Johnson
Boise, ID

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