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Cybersquatting and Kenyatech

  • To: forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Cybersquatting and Kenyatech
  • From: bell05a@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 01:55:09 +0000


Last week I went to www.networksolutions.com to check the availability of 
several new domains.  I found one I was interested in:  cspower.com.  Today I 
went to network solutions again and found that cspower.com was now registered 
to "Kenyatech".

Kenyatech apparently can scan the database of whois queries for domain name 
requests, which they then register to themselves.  They then demand hundreds of 
dollars to "buy" the domain.  See: 
http://www.blogdenovo.org/archives/000188.html for other people who have had 
similar experiences.

This strikes me as being inconsistent with the intent, and possibly the rules, 
of ICANN and registration.  Can someone at ICANN investigate this?

D. Bell

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