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XXX Domain

  • To: forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: XXX Domain
  • From: Ged - Vaitkus <gedv1@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 21:40:22 -0600

Please consider that all pornography is a form of violence, and, what is
worse, it is violence that leads to further acts of violence .  The
violence is perpetrated against those who are involved physically in the
production, and against those who access and use pornography.  All
involved are dehumanized.    Pornography is known to lead to many acts of
abuse against women, children AND men, to rapes, to acts of incest.  When
this country is suffering from so much violence within families, and
within our whole society, itself, and when we as a society claim that we
desire to break the chain of violence in this country,  how can it be
reasonable that we, in this country, continue to tolerate, and give any
legitimacy to pornography, and to those who produce it.  

Pornography is  addictive to the users in the same way that drugs are
addictive. The aim of producers of pornography is to expose persons,
especially youths, to pornography with the intent that they will capture
their interests, and, then finally,  addict them to it, making for their 
"industry" an ever increasing number of consumers in much the same way
that the cigarette industry plotted to addict children to nicotene.

It is a form of self- deception to think that this "industry"  will
police itself, and remove itself from areas of easy access to children. 
Would we tolerate drug deals being made over the internet?   This is not
a freedom of speech issue.  It is not a privacy issue.  It IS an issue of
accepting and promoting one of the most vile forms of abuse that exists. 

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