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Bylaws Change Requested -- The At-Large Requires Representation

  • To: forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Bylaws Change Requested -- The At-Large Requires Representation
  • From: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 10:33:13 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Vint, members of the ICANN Board, and members of
the At-Large community:

Karl Auerbach writes in his blog:

"ICANN once had a vibrant public sector.  But that
period ended several years ago when meaningful public
participation in ICANN was eliminated during a process
that ICANN, in its best NewSpeak, called "reform.

Today ICANN's palace eunuch, the "interim" ALAC sent
forth it latest missive.  It is a pathetic document
devoid of content yet filled with phrases of
submission and dependency.

ICANN's purpose is to serve the public, the community
of internet users.  Yet ICANN's ALAC, and much less
ICANN itself, remembers ICANN's purpose and ICANN's

ICANN's ALAC was crippled at at its conception.  We of
the community of internet users have patiently stood
aside hoping that perhaps we would be proved wrong and
that the ALAC might actually grow into something of
value.  During this time ICANN plied the ALAC with
money and staff support.  Attempts were made to
froth-up up membership; but few signed on.

The ALAC was given a fair chance to succeed.  But it
has not done so.

It is time to write off ICANN's ALAC as the failure it

I agree completely with Karl.  The ALAC has functioned
as the steward of a process that replaced At-Large
"representation" with the promise of enhanced
"participation".  Yet during the course of the last
three years, not even one comment on any topic
whatsoever has ever been forwarded by any "certified
At-Large Structure (ALS)" to the ICANN Board for

By now it should be clear to all that the At-Large has
routed around the ALAC having long recognized that it
fails to act in our best interest.

The At-Large requires a better home within ICANN where
our views may be properly debated and then forwarded
to the Board through elected representatives.

Please consider this correspondence as a "bottom-up"
request to change the bylaws.  We have waited long

Best regards,
Danny Younger

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