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Re: [alac] US DOC on Internet governance

  • To: johnl@xxxxxxxx, bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [alac] US DOC on Internet governance
  • From: "Roberto Gaetano" <alac_liaison@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2005 22:22:10 +0000

Just two comments.

First, the statement of the US government did not say anything different from what had been said in other occasions. It seems to me the same refrain since the White Paper: we (USG) believe in self-regulation of the privwate sector, and would end direct governmental intervention in Internet matters, however we would exerce adult supervision until we see fit. Of course, different people at different moments have speculated in different ways about if and when USG would see fit to pass the "power".

Second, USG does indeed care, and very very much! Otherwise, .cu would have been out of the root since long, as .iq, .ly, and many others, at least for some period of time. As a matter of fact, USG keeps a void position of power in principle: the very moment in which USG will exerce its power beyond what would be acceptable on an international level, i.e. for instance applying strictly its own laws and embargo on Cuba, the result would be an almost immediate split of the root. And this will have ripercussions for the US economy that are not completely foreseeable, but probably not in the positive direction. In other words, at this point in time, the US companies are selling more abroad via the internet than foreign business selling to US, hence...
Incidentally, the ITU is no longer claiming any interest in the control of the root, which few years ago was seen as the way to get their foot in the door, for the simple reason that they understand the politics underneath: it is a matter of principle, with almost zero real power associated.
What worries me really is the fact that we are risking more with IDN.IDN in terms of balkanization of the internet. And there has been an interesting discussion on this subject at EGENI 2005.

ICANN BoD Liaison

From: "John R Levine" <johnl@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Bret Fausett" <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: "ALAC" <alac@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [alac] US DOC on Internet governance
Date: 1 Jul 2005 19:24:40 -0400

I happened to be at the ITU all week for the cybersecurity meeting, and
the point they found notable is that US DOC has no plans to cede its
oversight role to anyone, ever.  ICANN appeared to think otherwise, but
now we know better.

Despite the FUD, I don't think the ITU sees itself injecting itself into
the DNS process other than possibly as a place to host a high level
intergovernmental oversight committee with more political legitimacy than
the GAC.  Apparently many governments are not thrilled that a California
corporation thinks that it gets to tell them what to do, but an oversight
function via the ITU or other treaty org could address this without
changing the practical operations much.

Vittorio wrote:

> At the same time, basically all governments of the world, including
> the European Union, have said repeatedly, clearly and publicly,
> during the WGIG process, that they will not accept the unilateral
> control of the root zone any more. So...

Not to hurt your feelings or anything, but the U.S. government doesn't
care, and I don't see anyone with any leverage to do anything about it.


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