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[alac] Beckwith Burr's proposal to NTIA

  • To: "'ALAC'" <alac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [alac] Beckwith Burr's proposal to NTIA
  • From: Pierre Dandjinou <dandjinou.pierre@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:33:51 +0100

Apologies for cross posting.





The Burr Proposal: Beginning of the End of Unilateral Control of the 

DNS Root?

INSIDE: Internet Governance

BY: Brenden Kuerbis

POSTED: Jul 19, 2006


The results of the recent NTIA consultation made it clear that there 

is no real public or industry support for unilateral control of the 

DNS root by the U.S. government. The latest and most interesting sign 

of collapsing support for US unilateral control of the DNS root, which 

the Internet Governance Project learned of today, is a proposal being 

circulated by G. Beckwith Burr... >>>






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