Hi Kent-- Thanks for the explanations. We understand that you have a
lot of workload on your end. We as ALAC volunteers have a lot to do
as well, in addition to our full-time jobs (and in some case, part
time jobs, etc). Time is short for all of us. So...rather than look
backwards and find all the instances where greylisting has been a
problem, let us move forward instead. I think at this point you just
need to trust the 15 of us when we tell you that our discussions have
indeed been frustrated by the compounding greylist issue. It has had
the effect of dividing us all by yet another time zone. But luckily
for us, this is an arbitrary one we can do something about! :-)
We appreciate your efforts in managing a complex set of discussion
fora and the historical background informing the current solutions.
We can see how greylisting can be useful on a large list that anyone
can join. But ours is a small closed list. Only approved posters can
post. You yourself point out that our list traffic isn't burdensome.
For us, greylisting is not necessary.
As our Chair has temporarily handed over her responsibilities to the
Vice Chairs, and as Vice -chair of structures and communications, I
speak for ALAC in asking you to make your best effort in a timely
removal of greylisting for these two lists. Could you estimate a time
frame when this might be accomplished? I apologize in advance if we
are asking for a short turnaround on something that is not trivial,
but it would be wonderful if it could be turned off in time for our
next vote period, which will commence on Oct 26, about seven work
days from now.
Best wishes
Jean Armour Polly
ALAC vice chair Structures & Communications