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[bc-gnso] Nominating Committee 2010

  • To: "BC gnso" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Nominating Committee 2010
  • From: "BC Secretariat" <secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 08:51:01 +0200

Dear Members

I have received notification from Tricia Drakes, current chair of the 
Nominating Committee, regarding selection of BC representatives to the 
Nominating Committee for 2010. In reality, this means our representatives 
need to be in place in time for the ICANN meetings in Seoul at the end of 

Tricia has asked that our selection process is completed by the end of 
August. I am aware that some members may be on holiday at this time so this 
mail is notice of the proposed timescale for the election.

As usual, the BC can elect two representatives - one for large business and 
one for small business. Both Phil Lodico and Liz Williams will have served 
one term and are eligible to stand again (members can serve for a maximum of 
two years consecutively).

Background information on the Nominating Committee can be found here 

Proposed timetable:
Nomination of candidates    Monday 17 August for one week
Voting                               Tuesday 25 August for one week

I will send a formal notice of nominations closer to the time.

Best wishes

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