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[bc-gnso] Fwd: New information related to ICANN Nairobi Meeting

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Fwd: New information related to ICANN Nairobi Meeting
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:54:41 -0600

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: February 11, 2010 5:59:39 PM CST
> To: Mike O'Connor <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Glen de Saint Géry <gnso-secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: New information related to ICANN Nairobi Meeting
> Please distribute
> Note that this information is also posted at the ICANN website at:
> http://nbo.icann.org/meetings/security-information-11feb10-en.htm
> Dear ICANN Community,
> Within the last 24 hours, we received an unclassified report from the United 
> States’ Department of State related to the Kenyatta International Conference 
> Center, the venue for our upcoming meeting (attached below). 
> The types of threats outlined in that communication are difficult to assess. 
> ICANN is now reaching out to different parties in Kenya and elsewhere to see 
> if it is possible to better assess the situation, and of course will share 
> any further information with you.
> Sammy Buruchara, Chairman of the ICANN 2010 Local Steering Committee in 
> Nairobi has already provided the following information:
> “In relation with the Security threat by Al Shabaab to US Embassy and KICC, I 
> wish to on behalf of ICANN 2010 Local Organizing committee and on behalf of 
> the relevant Kenya Government Security Agencies state the following:
> The Kenya Government is aware of the Security Threat by Al Shabaab on KICC 
> and on the United States Embassy in Nairobi. Our security organs that include 
> National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) and Kenya Anti-Terrorism Police 
> have been alerted and will make appropriate security responses to deal with 
> this threat. Through their network of security agents, they have made 
> contingency plans to thwart any possible terrorist plot that will target 
> Nairobi City, including  KICC and all the Hotels in which delegates will be 
> hosted, and the US Embassy.
> I wish to assure ICANN Community that the Kenya Government is committed to 
> ensure your safety during the ICANN event and will take necessary security 
> measures to guarantee the safety of all participants during the Conference.”
> In the most transparent manner possible, ICANN will continue to share 
> information as it becomes available. Just like you, we’re processing this 
> information, and seeing how and if we need to update procedures and plans for 
> the upcoming meeting.
> Sincerely,
> Doug Brent
> Information from U.S. State Department
> “As of early February 2010, individuals affiliated with al-Shabaab 
> al-Islamiya were planning suicide bombing attacks on the US Embassy and 
> Kenyan International Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya.  The individuals 
> were targeting the KICC because it was deemed the largest and oldest building 
> associated with the Kenyan government.  The US Embassy was targeted for its 
> support of the Kenyan government.  As of early February, the individuals 
> planning to carry out the attacks were living in Somali communities in Kenya. 
>  We have no additional information regarding the possible individuals 
> involved in the plot, timing, or method of the attack.
> This is all the information we have at this time, and we will continue to 
> keep you updated if there are any potential updates.”

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