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[bc-gnso] Brussels Calendar

  • To: <bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Brussels Calendar
  • From: "Chris Chaplow" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 13:35:31 +0200

Dear Members,


Please note have updated the Brussels Calendar with all the updated
arrangements for tonight and tomorrow.


Please check it out. 



Chris Chaplow
Managing Director
Andalucía.com S.L.
Avenida del Carmen 9
Ed. Puertosol, Puerto Deportivo
1ª Planta, Oficina 30
Estepona, 29680
Malaga, Spain
Tel: + (34) 952 897 865
Fax: + (34) 952 897 874
E-mail:  <mailto:chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web:  <http://www.andalucia.com/> www.andaluciaws.com


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