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[bc-gnso] BC Website Revamp

  • To: <bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] BC Website Revamp
  • From: "Chris Chaplow" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 11:25:37 +0200

Dear BC members,


You may have noticed that the BC website has been given a revamp.



The content is essentially the same but  I has been given a more modern look
and the navigation has been simplified. 


I tried to add the Nairobi ?photo slide show?  to the home page but had some
problems making it work so last night I asked Jason (our webmaster) to pull
it and we will add a new one post Brussels.    


If anybody finds a broken link or omissions or anything needing a fix please
let me know.


My ?baby? the Acronym helper has been added, see ?Acronym? in the left hand

Please email me any  new  acronym?s that you uncover during the Brussels


Moving forward and, as we can discuss on Tuesday, we should now  start to
think about our ?New website and what our  requirements are.


Last but not least I  send a big thanks to Jason Sjobeck and his team for
pushing this project through in time for our Brussels meeting.


Best regards,


Chris Chaplow
Managing Director
Andalucía.com S.L.
Avenida del Carmen 9
Ed. Puertosol, Puerto Deportivo
1ª Planta, Oficina 30
Estepona, 29680
Malaga, Spain
Tel: + (34) 952 897 865
Fax: + (34) 952 897 874
E-mail:  <mailto:chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web:  <http://www.andalucia.com/> www.andaluciaws.com


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