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Re: [bc-gnso] nominating Berry for the Councillor slot

  • To: "bc - GNSO list" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [bc-gnso] nominating Berry for the Councillor slot
  • From: "Berry Cobb" <berrycobb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 13:08:08 +0000


While I appreciate Mikey's enthusiasm and because I respect and am an advocate 
for process and procedure, I must respectfully decline this premature 

Now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag, I do have an interest in 
representing the BC on the GNSO Council.  When the formal nomination period 
opens, I will submit an expression of interest for this role.  Upon which, if 
any member believes I meet the criteria as a candidate, nominations will be 

Mikey, thank you for the vote of confidence and my apologies to everyone if 
this email thread caused confusion.


Berry Cobb
Infinity Portals LLC
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sender: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:59:18 
To: bc - GNSO list<bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [bc-gnso] nominating Berry for the Councillor slot

hi all,

it gives me great pleasure to nominate Berry Cobb for the upcoming GNSO 
Councillor position.  here's why i think he'd do a terrific job.

-- he's trustworthy.  in my experience he's careful to only make promises he 
can keep, and then he keeps those promises.

-- he's up to speed on the policy front.  he's been an active participant and 
strong contributor on a boatload of working-groups over the last couple years.  
he's one of the people who shows up on all the calls, all the way to the end.

-- he's a strong analyst.  some of this is just his nature, some of it is his 
background coming from IBM.  but Berry's delivered a lot of analysis for the 
working groups he's been on.  those analyses often form the starting place when 
we come to consensus.  we who have worked with him often refer to him the 
master of the pivot-table.

-- he "gets" the new role of the Council.  Berry understands the destination 
that the GNSO Council is headed toward -- that of being the manager of a 
policy-making process rather than the policy-making body.  i think he can play 
a crucial role to help the Council achieve that destination.

i think Berry would be a great representative for us at the Council.  i hope he 
will accept this nomination, and that the rest of you will support him.



- - - - - - - - -
phone   651-647-6109  
fax             866-280-2356  
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