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[bc-gnso] Revised Draft BC Position on Establishing Standard Contract for UDRP Providers

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Revised Draft BC Position on Establishing Standard Contract for UDRP Providers
  • From: "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 14:57:39 +0200

I support Sarah's latest wording (below)and reasoning.
Our key message is DON'T create another UDRP provider now.
Lets communicate that message and avoid any unintended consequences.
The Business Constituency (BC) cannot support approval of this or any other UDRP
accreditation application at this time on the grounds that no new UDRP providers
should be accredited until ICANN implements with all accredited providers a
standard mechanism for establishing uniform rules and procedures and flexible
means of delineating and enforcing arbitration provider responsibilities.

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