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[bc-gnso] Announcement of Election of Vice chair from Non Contracted Users House - Wolf Ulrich Knoben, from ISP Constituency

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>, "bc-secretariat @icann" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Announcement of Election of Vice chair from Non Contracted Users House - Wolf Ulrich Knoben, from ISP Constituency
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 08:41:01 -0400

Dear members
I share the GNSO Secretariat's announcement of the outcome of the 'House" 
election of our Vice Chair for the GNSO Council. 

Background that may be useful: For those of you new to the complex, layered 
approach of the organizational structure of the GNSO, the bylaws provide for 
Stakeholder Groups, which are organized into two Houses, and for three 
Nominating Committee appointees, who work together on managing the gTLD policy 
process, as provided by the ICANN bylaws.
The GNSO does not have a chair, per se, of the SO, unlike the ccNSO, which has 
different bylaws.  The  Council is focused on gTLD policy and is a critical 
activity and focus for the BC,  and our larger group -- the Commercial 
Stakeholder Group which includes the BC, ISPs and IPC.  Other wider SO issues, 
such as the Review Teams established by the Affirmation of Commitments, or the 
Strat Plan/Budget Operating Plan are managed within the leadership of the SGs 
and Constituencies. 
The election process of the Council Vice Chair from our House is managed by the 
leadership of the two Stakeholder Groups of our House and took some time to 
finalize, but the election is concluded with Wolf-Ulrich's election to that 
critical leadership role in the GNSO Council.   
The role of the Council Vice Chair from our House is to ensure that the 
administrative and broader policy interests of our House are incorporated into 
the management planning process, so not to advocate a position, but to ensure 
that the over time management, resource focus, etc, are taken into account in 
how the Council's leadership organized and plans work.
Each house has a V.Chair which is elected by that House, according to their 
procedures.  The Council Chair is elected by the sitting Councilors, similar in 
timing to the Board election -- e.g. at the 'annual' meeting, which is 
typically the last meeting of the year, the 'old' Council closes. The 'new' 
council takes their seats, and then the election for the next year's Chair is 
held.  While this has some logic as it follows the Board's example, it can mean 
that two brand new Nominating Committee appointees vote for a Chair, without 
any opportunity to get to know their 'role' or said candidate(s). 
We will send a thank you to Mary Wong, from the Non Commercial Stakeholder 
Group, who was last year's Vice Chair of the Council.
And a note of congratulations to Wolf Ulrich.
Marilyn CadeBC Chair

From: Glen@xxxxxxxxx
To: met@xxxxxxx; marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx; jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx; 
tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; harris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; 
k.komaitis@xxxxxxxxxxxx; asterling@xxxxxxxx; chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
CC: gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 04:03:39 -0700
Subject: NCPH Vice chair

Dear All, I am delighted to announce that Wolf-Ulrich Knoben has been elected 
by the Non Contracted Parties House as the GNSO Council  vice chair.11 votes in 
favour2 ballots not returned

Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you.Kind regards, Glen    
Glen de Saint GéryGNSO 

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