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FW: [bc-gnso] mCADE comments on the Improvements to new gTLD expansion plan

  • To: <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: FW: [bc-gnso] mCADE comments on the Improvements to new gTLD expansion plan
  • From: <mortenla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 11:27:15 -0600

Attached are my comments.  Thanks.

Lane Mortensen, CRC M

SVP / Operational Risk Manager
ISG Risk Management, Compliance & Web Governance

Wells Fargo Internet Services Group | 333 Market Street, 27th Floor | San 
Francisco, CA 94105
MAC A0119-271
Tel 415-371-5884
Cell 925-642-8223


From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Marilyn Cade
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 7:37 PM
To: bc - GNSO list
Cc: bc-secretariat @icann
Subject: [bc-gnso] mCADE comments on the Improvements to new gTLD expansion plan

Dear BC colleagues

I am attaching my individual responses to the BC position on Implementation 
Improvements to ICANN's gTLD expansion plan.
While it was not technically prohibited for me to participate actively in 
policy development in my personal and individual capacity, I limited my 
personal and individual participation during the voting period for officers. As 
that period is closed,even though the results will be confirmed by the Voting 
Officer and Returning Officers tomorrow, I feel comfortable in participating in 
the discussion in my individual capacity.

I apologize, though, for the lateness of my response which thus resulted as it 
limited the opportunity for dialogue on the list.  These are my personal and 
individual views, as a BC member. I hope other members will post their views 
using the excellent format that was designed by our Vice Chair, Policy 
Coordination. There was a lot of email on the list since mid December, and I 
did try to reread it all to inform my understanding of all postings that are 
related.  While that documented input from a few posters, this format seems an 
excellent approach to documenting and being able to then see comments in a 
single standardized 'approach'.

Kudos, Steve, for that 'improvement', which I personally, as a member found 
extremely helpful. I also wanted to thank you for the huge amount of work you 
did to document the existing positions! It was helpful to me in considering 
what the BC had previously confirmed as a position. BUT, I do recognize how 
much work it was for you, so wanted to say thanks.

Marilyn Cade
mCADE llc

Attachment: Comments-BC Improvements for new gTLD implementationsdfinal (2).docx
Description: Comments-BC Improvements for new gTLD implementationsdfinal (2).docx

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