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[bc-gnso] Booking confirmation
- To: Bc GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [bc-gnso] Booking confirmation
- From: Angie Graves <angie@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 14:49:51 -0400
Please see the email below I received a few minutes re: Hilton Prague
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olga Vanova <Olga.Vanova@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Booking confirmation
To: Olga Vanova <Olga.Vanova@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Valuable guest,****
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We would like to apologize for our previous email regarding you reservation
and any inconvenience it might have caused. We have resolved the problem
with our reservation system and are happy to inform you that your
reservation remains unchanged.****
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We wish you a safe journey to Prague and are looking forward to welcoming
you in Hilton Prague.****
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Kind Regards,****
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*OLGA VANOVA* I Conference & Events Executive****
t: +420 224 842 937 I f: +420 224 842 366 ****
Pobřežní 1 I 186 00 Prague 8 I Czech Republic****
prague.hilton.com I facebook.com/Hilton.Prague I twitter.com/HiltonPrague
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[image: Description: Description: cid:C49B5321-C725-4FA6-BEB5-294AAFB19280]*
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[image: Description: Description: email
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This transmission is not a digital or electronic signature and cannot be
used to form, document, or authenticate a contract. Hilton and its
affiliates accept no liability arising in connection with this
transmission.Copyright 2012 Hilton Worldwide Proprietary and Confidential

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