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[bc-gnso] Draft FY13 Budget - SSR Coments

  • To: "'bc - GNSO list'" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Draft FY13 Budget - SSR Coments
  • From: "Chris Chaplow" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 20:52:22 +0200

Dear BC members,


I mentioned on the call this afternoon  activities listed in the FY13 draft 
Budget  under two sections that of interest to BC members. 

One is Compliance and the other is SSR.


In two separate emails I copy the activities below.

I request BC members to offer BC comment suggestions on the specific activities 
listed below to form part of the BC submission on June 9th.  


This is the Draft Budget 




SSR  - 14%   up to 9.3 m$ in FY13  from  8.7 m$ in FY12 Budget and 8.0 m$ in 
FY12 Forcast


Security, Stability and Resilience Operations (SSR)

Page 13


In FY13, budget resources required to support SSR activities are estimated at 
$9.1 million, a 14 percent increase over FY12’s forecast. The increase for SSR 
in FY13 is due to continued collaboration and engagement in the following 


 Work with ICANN’s IT on improving internal infrastructure, network security 
improvements and mobile device practices 


 Implement recommendations of the Security, Stability and Resiliency Review 


 Support root resilience efforts, L-root expansion and contingency exercises 
with partners 


 DNS capability training with ccTLD operators, law enforcement and the 
operational security community (including Interpol, Commonwealth Cybercrime 
Initiative and other community partners) 


 Conduct DNS Risk Management Framework assessment based on recommendations 
from Board-level working group and influenced by community-driven DNS Security 
and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA-WG) 


 Continued engagement and adoption activities for DNSSEC with TLD operators, 
registrars, ISPs and enterprises; key ceremonies and support to SSAC work party 
on key rollover 


 Support the IDN Program with the next phase of the IDN variant project 


 Security support to gTLD Operations (TAS, Digital Archery and other system 


 Implement objectives contained in the FY13 SSR Framework after the community 
and Board of Directors buy-in 


 Follow best practices for internal Information Security and network 


 Physical security improvements in Los Angeles, Brussels and other ICANN 
office locations 


 Conduct 4th Global DNS SSR Symposium in FY13 in collaboration with the 
Anti-Phishing Working Group 


 Support to Global Partnerships and Regional Vice Presidents in representing 


 Provide thought leadership and expertise as requested by others in the 
Internet ecosystem, such as in the IT Sector DNS Risk Update, and participate 
in events such as the Internet Governance Forum 



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