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[bc-gnso] Draft FY13 Budget - Complaince

  • To: "'bc - GNSO list'" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Draft FY13 Budget - Complaince
  • From: "Chris Chaplow" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 20:55:00 +0200

Dear BC members,


I mentioned on the call this afternoon  activities listed in the FY13 draft 
Budget  under two sections that of interest to BC members. 

One is Compliance and the other is SSR.


In two separate emails I copy the activities below.

I request BC members to offer BC comment suggestions on the specific activities 
listed below to form part of the BC submission on June 9th.  


This is the Draft Budget 



Compliance  -   60%  up to 6.1 m$ in FY13  from  4.8  m$ in FY12 Budget and 3.8 
m$ in FY12 Forcast

Ie FY12 expenses are significant under budget.

Contract Compliance up to 20  for FY13


“It is mainly driven by (i) a Compliance department headcount increase from an 
average of 9 FTE in FY12 to 15 FTE in FY13 for approximately $1.1 million, (ii) 
Compliance audit for $0.5 million, (iii) Legal allocated costs increase for 
$0.4 million, (iv) other overhead increases for $0.3 million.”
(cross check 9FTE which is not as previously reported in CR) 


Contractual Compliance

Page 14


In FY13, budget resources for Contractual Compliance are estimated to be $6.1 
million, about 60 percent greater than FY12 forecast. It is mainly driven by 
(i) a Compliance department headcount increase from an average of 9 FTE in FY12 
to 15 FTE in FY13 for approximately $1.1 million, (ii) Compliance audit for 
$0.5 million, (iii) Legal allocated costs increase for $0.4 million, (iv) other 
overhead increases for $0.3 million. The increase demonstrates ICANN’s 
continued commitment to “strengthen the Contractual Compliance function and its 
operations; and to establish clear performance measures and improve 
communication and reporting to the community”. 

Work in FY13 will focus in the following areas: 


 Continue to grow Compliance resources in numbers and expertise to: 1) improve 
operations with increased monitoring and proactive enforcement of the contracts 
and policies; 2) proactively engage and collaborate with registrars to improve 
compliance and reduce complaints; 3) promote a culture of compliance and 
increase compliance awareness among the contracted parties through global 
outreach activities 


 In addition, to support the augmented Contractual Compliance function, 
resource increases are planned for other ICANN departments, such as the 
Registrar and Registry Liaison teams, Legal (and external legal services), 
Information Technology, Finance, Security and Policy 


 Continue the effort to standardize operations, systems and tools for 
efficiency and effectiveness. This includes additional automation in complaint 
processing and tracking, rollout of an internal collaboration tool, 
enhancements to current systems to reflect the standard Contractual 
Compliance’s process and templates, launching a program to replace the current 
complaint intake systems and continue efforts in preparation for new gTLDs 


 Communicate, develop and implement the plan for a robust risk and audit 


 Develop performance metrics for core operations and improve and deliver 
fact-based communications and reporting to the community 



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