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[bc-gnso] Updated Policy calendar for 8-Oct-2012 BC member call

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Updated Policy calendar for 8-Oct-2012 BC member call
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 19:48:42 +0000

Here is the latest BC policy calendar, for use during our 8-Oct-2012 member 

Channel 1. BC participation in ICANN Public Comment process:

ICANN Public Comment page is <http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment> 

1. DSSA Working Group Phase 1 report (reply comments close 21-Oct)

2. SSAC report on dot-less domains  (reply comments close 5-Nov)

3. TM Clearinghouse rules for matching names / verifying proof of use (initial 
comments close 15-Oct)

4.. Draft policy recommendations for selection of IDN ccTLDs  (initial comments 
close 18-Oct)
ICANN hosting call on 9-Oct at 9am Eastern US time for the authors of the 
alternate models to discuss
models and rationale.   Conference ID:  93759   Dial-in numbers 

5. Protection of Olympics / Red Cross names — drafting team recommendations 
(initial comments close 19-Oct)

6. Community input and advice process  (initial comments close 25-Oct)

7. Community input on draft 2013-2016 Strategic Plan  (initial comments close 

8. Strategy 
 to consolidate ICANN meetings   (initial comments close 16-Nov)

Note: BC members are encouraged to submit individual / company comments.  The 
BC selects topics on which to submit official positions based on member 

Channel 2. Support for discussion and votes of our representatives on GNSO 
John Berard and Zahid Jamil, BC Councilors

Council work sessions in Toronto on 13-Oct 
 and 14-Oct 

Council meeting on 17-Oct-2012, 15:00 Eastern.  
 not yet complete.  Three 

1. BC motion to endorse recommendations for definitions, measures and three 
year targets for competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. 
 to recommendations).

2. BC motion to Initiate PDP on Uniformity of Contracts to Address Registration 
 to report and staff recommendation for a PDP )

3. BC motion to request an Issue Report on uniformity in the mechanisms to 
initiate, track, and analyze policy-violation reports 
 to motion)

Also will vote for Council Chair and Vice Chair.

GNSO Project Status available 

Channel 3. Supporting discussion/voting on matters before the Commercial 
Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Elisa Cooper, CSG Liaison

1. CSG attempting to reach consensus on improvements needed for Rights 
Protection Mechanisms (RPMs).  See email below.

2. CSG nomination for Accountability & Transparency Review Team 2  

Channel 4. BC statements and responses during public meetings (outreach events, 
public forum, etc.)

BC chair letter to ICANN regarding timing of new gTLD evaluation results and 
close of the Objection window. 

Non-Commercial Users Group (NCUC) is hosting a day-long ICANN policy conference 
on 12-Oct at Fairmont Royal York Hotel  
(agenda<http://www.amiando.com/NCUC-ICANN45.html?page=838202>).  Phil Corwin is 
on a panel.

Thick Whois PDP drafting team (Susan Kawaguchi, Elisa Cooper)

Remaining implementation work for gTLD expansion plan, incl BC requests for 
specific improvements 
  These previously-approved recommendations were discussed at US Govt meeting 
on 5-Sep.

Implementing Affirmation review recommendations for Whois   (Susan Kawaguchi, 
Lynn Goodendorf, Bill Smith)

Implementing Affirmation review recommendations for SSR  (Security, Stability, 
& Resilience)    (Jeff Brueggeman)

Copy of email sent to IPC on 26-Sep-2012, following up on Bruce Tonkin's 
suggestion that the CSG generate a consensus position on improvements to Rights 
Protection Mechanisms (RPMs)

We are still struggling to define criteria for allowing terms other than exact 
TM into the TM Clearinghouse (TMCH), which would then be available for Sunrise, 
Blocking, and TM Claims Notices.    From what we heard Tuesday, we should try 
to base these three services on records in the TMCH instead of algorithms, if 

Elisa suggests generating TM Claims notices on TM+"any generic word".

But we may need a way to limit TM+"any generic word", or we'll hear about all 
those "corner case" examples that opponents are so good at finding.

We could limit to just the TM+ to goods and services in the TM registration.  
(Brand Summit proposal)

Another limitation is to allow any string recovered in a UDRP or URS, where an 
arbitrator made the determination that the string was infringing or risked 
confusing and deceiving users.  This would cover domains that don't even 
include the exact TM, such as misspellings (paypa1, verizin )

Anyway, while you think about that dilemma, here are RPM improvements where 
there's more convergence:

Sunrise Launch Timing:  extend to 60 days

TM Claims Notices based on TMCH records (no algorithm required):
Notice for exact match to TMCH
Notice for domain including TM plus any of the listed goods and services in 
TMCH application
Notice for previously recovered domains that the TM holder places in the TMCH
TM Claims timing:  notices issued indefinitely

Blocking: TM owner may acquire permanent block across all gTLD for:
-  Exact TM match
-  Any domain the TM owner has recovered in UDRP/URS proceeding over past 5 
-  Exact TM plus generic word (only goods & services in the TMCH application, 
or ANY word? )

Rapid Takedown (URS):
TM owner recovering a domain may place that domain in the TMCH, and
Once in the TMCH, these recovered domains would automatically generate TM Claim 
Once in the TMCH, the TM owner could acquire a permanent block across all TLDs.
- Loser pays
-  If registrant does not respond in 48 hours, TM owner prevails and is 
required only to pay the Administrative fees.
-  URS costs to be underwritten by ICANN for first three years.
-  Maintain list of repeat offenders

Registrar Compliance:
-  All registrars distributing names in new gTLDs must adhere to amended RAA.
-  All registrars must validate a reachable WHOIS contact and at least two 
contact fields

-  Webinars, FAQs, Whitepapers, etc. geared to potential registrants, in order 
to increase awareness regarding RPMs and Objection Filing

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