[bc-gnso] Nom Com February Report Card
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Waudo Sigunga and I, please find attached the Report Card from the Nominating Committee meeting this past Wednesday. A few highlights to note: * Participation on the NomCom 2013 calls remains very high, with very few members missing the calls. * For BC members who are attending WSIS + 10 and IGF Consultation in Paris, please note that the NomCom Chair will be hosting an outreach event on Feb 28. I understand that our current Chair, Marilyn is confirmed, and Waudo and I would welcome knowing who else from the BC is planning on participating at the IGF to ensure that all of you are informed of the reception. * Outreach into all ICANN regions also remains a key priority, and Waudo Siganga is undertaking outreach in Africa, with support from other African BC members. As always, if you have any comments, suggestions or recommendations for Waudo or me, please feel free to contact us directly. Kind regards, RA Ronald N. Andruff RNA Partners, Inc. <http://www.rnapartners.com> Attachment:
NomCom Report Card Feb 2013.pdf |