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RE: [bc-gnso] ALERTS: New Deadline - Call for Applicants for the Meeting Strategy Working Group: Friday 8 March 2013 - 23:59 UTC
- To: Ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Benedetta Rossi'" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>, "'bc - GNSO list'" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] ALERTS: New Deadline - Call for Applicants for the Meeting Strategy Working Group: Friday 8 March 2013 - 23:59 UTC
- From: Elisa Cooper <Elisa.Cooper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 22:56:05 +0000
Hi Ron,
Please find attached an e-mail from the Secretariat which lists the names of BC
members who have expressed interest in participating in the Meeting Strategy
Working Group.
Elisa Cooper
Director of Product Marketing
208 389-5779 PH
From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ron
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 12:27 PM
To: 'Benedetta Rossi'; 'bc - GNSO list'
Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] ALERTS: New Deadline - Call for Applicants for the
Meeting Strategy Working Group: Friday 8 March 2013 - 23:59 UTC
Dear Benedetta,
Can you advise how much representation we have in this Working Group from the
BC? I am considering it, but don't need to jump in if the BC is already
Thank you,
Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.<http://www.rnapartners.com>
From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
[mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Benedetta Rossi
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 10:48 AM
To: bc - GNSO list
Subject: [bc-gnso] ALERTS: New Deadline - Call for Applicants for the Meeting
Strategy Working Group: Friday 8 March 2013 - 23:59 UTC
Dear BC Members,
Please find below an ICANN announcement regarding a new deadline for the
submission of application for the Meeting Strategy Working Group, now moved to
Friday, March 8, 2013.
Thank you,
Kind Regards,
Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat
New Deadline - Call for Applicants for the Meeting Strategy Working Group:
Friday 8 March 2013 - 23:59 UTC
4 March 2013
In line with the Board
adopted on February the 2nd 2013, ICANN invited interested individuals to
apply for Volunteer Member positions - either in representation of a Supporting
Organization or Advisory Committee -- to serve on the Meeting Strategy Working
The mandate and mission of the Meeting Strategy Working Group as defined in the
MSWG Charter<http://www.icann.org/en/groups/board/participation/mswg/charter>
is as follows: to discuss and propose strategy for the structure, purpose and
locations for ICANN Public Meetings and conferences, starting in 2015.
We thank those applicants who already have submitted applications.
In order to give more time for more members from the wider community to apply,
we are extending the deadline for this call for applicants to Friday 8 March
2013 - 23:59 UTC. Candidatures are to be submitted to
More information
* Call for
* Charter<http://www.icann.org/en/groups/board/participation/mswg/charter>
Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat
--- Begin Message ---
- To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [bc-gnso] ALERTS from the Secretariat: Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) | Call for Volunteer Members: Representing ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations
- From: Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:07:41 +0000
Dear BC Members,
On Feb. 11th, 2013, ICANN posted a call for volunteers for nomination for a
Meeting Strategy Working Group. The deadline for submitting self nominations is
Sunday, March 3rd, 2013. This advisory by the BC Secretariat is informational.
Please find below the link and text for ICANN's announcement and list of
necessary materials.
To date, three BC members have indicated their interest in submitting their
self nomination to ICANN [alpha by organizational affiliation]:
1. Michelle Chaplow, Andalucia.com
2. Liz Sweezey, Fairwinds Partners
3. Gabriela Szlak, E-Instituto
All three members are members in good standing, and along with any other self
nominees, should follow the process described in the ICANN materials.
It is important for all BC members to know that other CSG Constituencies have
members who are also nominating themselves. Given the number of interested
volunteers, and based on other similar nomination processes that involve
nominees across the three constituencies, normally, the CSG Executive Committee
[two reps per each of the three constituencies] has undertaken a process for
endorsement, if endorsement is possible. As BC Secretariat, I leave this
discussion to the two present participants in the CSG Excom: Elisa Cooper, CSG
Rep and Marilyn Cade, Chair/Alternate CSG Rep.
However, all BC members will want to review the relevant materials. As
clearly noted in the ICANN materials, the number of representatives per SO will
be between 1 and 4, with no guarantee of any specific number.
Please find the link and ICANN announcement below for your convenience.
Again, any interested BC member should follow the self nomination process. I
would welcome your keeping the Secretariat informed so that I can advise the BC
Excomm of candidates who self nominate [such as the three BC members above].
Discussion of process within the CSG is up to the two representatives of the BC
to the CSG Excomm - the CSG rep, Elisa Cooper and the Chair/Alternate CSG rep,
Marilyn Cade.
Please note from the process established by ICANN that direct submission of
materials is required. To facilitate the BC and then CSG process, it would be
helpful if you cc'd the BC Secretariat on your self nomination materials.
Kind regards,
Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat
Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) | Call for Volunteer Members:
Representing ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations
11 February 2013
In Short
In line with the Board
adopted on February the 2nd 2013, ICANN now invites interested individuals to
apply for Volunteer Member positions – in representation of a Supporting
Organization or Advisory Committee – to serve on the Meeting Strategy Working
Group. Candidatures are to be submitted
tomswgcandidatures@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:mswgcandidatures@xxxxxxxxx> by Sunday, 3
March 2013 – 23:59 UTC.
Please read below for more information and details on the application procedure
and Meeting Strategy Working Group mandate.
Background Information
ICANN has committed to identifying ICANN Meeting locations two years in advance.
After consideration that adoption of a prior Consolidated Meetings Strategy
proposal was not timely the Public Participation Committee (PPC) initiated work
to create a working group to address the meeting location strategy.
The successful operation of ICANN's public meetings in all of the geographic
regions is an important part ofICANN's accountability and transparency efforts.
The action today will allow community members to serve alongside Board members
and staff in helping to develop a meetings strategy that will align with
community needs, while taking into account the fiscal and facility requirements
for these meetings.
In line with these requirements, ICANN now invites interested individuals to
apply for a position of Volunteer Member, in representation of a Supporting
Organization or Advisory Committee, in the Meeting Strategy Working Group
Composition of the MSWG
Members of the Board: Sébastien Bachollet (Chair), Chris Disspain;
Staff representatives: Sally Costerton (As selector designee by the CEO), Nick
Tomasso, Chris Gift;
Representatives of the relevant ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting
Each SO or ACwill get between 1 to 4 seats:
* ccNSO
* gNSO
* At-Large
Each SO and AC is encouraged to send a list of volunteers taking into account
the need for diversity and not limited to the number of seats open. This will
allow the selectors (the CEO or his designee and the Chair of theWG) to balance
the various factors more easily.
Membership is individual. Working Group Members are expected to attend
face-to-face meetings, conference calls and may not delegate membership
Mandate & Mission
The mandate and Mission of Meeting Strategy Working Group is defined as follows
in the MSWG Charter:
To discuss and propose strategy for the structure, purpose and locations for
ICANN Public Meetings and conferences, starting in 2015.
Topics for consideration by the MSWG include:
* Number of ICANN meetings per year,
* Other types of meetings and conferences (Global, regional, topic,
* Objectives of the Meetings and conferences,
* Organization of the Meetings and conferences,
* Localization (including rotation) of the Meetings and conferences,
* Role of local host,
* Visa and travel support,
* Role of hosts and sponsors,
* Expected language services to be provided at ICANN meetings and
* Remote participation,
* Outreach (during the Meetings and conferences).
Methodology, Budget & Support
The working methodology will be determined by the Chairman, in consultation
with the working group, including:
* How often the working group will meet and how (telephonic,
* Best time and day on which to meet;
* How long the meetings will last;
* When notice will be provided and when materials will be distributed
before the meeting.
English is the working language.
ICANN Staff support will be made available to the working group. External
expertise may be provided upon request.
Proposed deadline for the deliverables of the working group, including
reporting requirements:
* Call for candidates: 12 February 2013 – 3 March 2013,
* Applications send to the relevant AC or SO: 4 March 2013,
* List of applicants supported by the relevant SO and AC send to the
selectors: 14 March 2013,
* Publication of the list of the members of the MSWG: 20 March 2013,
* First meeting of the MSWG: week of 25 March 2013,
* Discussion in Beijing,
* Draft initial report: 21 May 2013,
* Draft report for comments: 21 June 2013,
* Comment period: 21 June 2013 to 26 July 2013,
* Discussion in Durban: 12 July 2013,
* Reply Comment period: 26 July 2013 to 30 August 2013,
* Last report to the community: 10 October 2013,
* Final report to the Board: 28 October 2013,
* Board decision during the Buenos Aires ICANN Meeting.
Desired Skillset
Applicants should possess the following professional and personal skills:
* Knowledge of ICANN and its working practices and culture;
* Knowledge of international meetings;
* Team spirit, adaptability, consensus-seeking attitude;
* Willingness to learn;
* Capacity to reason objectively, putting aside personal opinions or
* Commitment to devote sufficient personal time to the review process.
Call for Applicants
This call is solely intended for individuals interested in applying for a
position of Volunteer Member, in representation of a Supporting Organization or
Advisory Committee, on the Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG).
How to apply?
How to Apply for the Position of Volunteer Member for the MSWG
Interested individuals are invited to provide the following:
* A resume (maximum three pages);
* A letter of motivation;
* A Declaration of Interests (the template may be found
34 KB])
* The Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee he/she wishes to
* Any additional information the Support Organization or Advisory
Committee may require to reach its decision on endorsement. Candidatures will
be forwarded to the Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC)
identified by the applicant, for endorsement. SO/AC endorsement will be
factored into the selection process;
Candidatures should be emailed to
The list of all candidates will be published on the ICANN website.
Candidatures will be accepted until Sunday, 3 March 2013 – 23:59 UTC.
MSWG Members will not be remunerated. However, travel, meal and lodging costs
for appointed Members to participate in MSWG meetings will be reimbursed upon
request in accordance with ICANN's community travel support
Please contact Renate DeWulf at
renate.dewulf@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:renate.dewulf@xxxxxxxxx> for any questions you
may have.
The Selectors will establish the number of positions on the MSWG available for
each SO/AC and then determine the composition of the MSWG in line with a set of
requirements and criteria including meeting objectivity and independence
requirements together with geographical and gender factors. Only candidates who
have received endorsement from a relevant SO/ACs will be considered for
--- End Message ---
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