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[bc-gnso] RE: DRAFT FOR REVIEW: BC comment on ACDR's proposal to serve as a UDRP provider
- To: Mahmoud Lattouf <mlattouf@xxxxxxxx>, bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [bc-gnso] RE: DRAFT FOR REVIEW: BC comment on ACDR's proposal to serve as a UDRP provider
- From: Anders Halvorsen <ahalvorsen@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 17:39:35 -0400
Dear All,
WITSA prefers that the draft comments not be issued today as we feel they are
unnecessarily negative. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is very well respected in the region
and even globally, and it seem clear that ACDR is fully compliant with all UDRP
aspects and requirements. As referenced in Mr. Lattouf's message below, over
100 IDN gTLDs will be introduced shortly (including several in Arabic script),
so we feel this application is timely. Rather than holding back this
application, we would prefer to take Mr. Lattouf's suggestion to hold a
conference call to discuss any outstanding questions - if there are sufficient
concerns. We would also like to express our support for Marilyn's draft, which
calls for a future process for standards without blocking the approval of this
Best regards,
Anders Halvorsen
Vice President, Administration
World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA)
"Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age"
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From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Mahmoud Lattouf
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 4:32 PM
To: bc - GNSO list
Cc: Steve DelBianco
Subject: [bc-gnso] RE: DRAFT FOR REVIEW: BC comment on ACDR's proposal to serve
as a UDRP provider
Dear All,
We are a member of the BC and the IPC.
Our application for a UDRP provider is of course, separate from that
However, we have been working in the ICANN processes for UDRP providers to
fulfill all requirements, and perhaps that is not as visible to BC members as
needed. The application process is a separate process, after all. and
independent of any influence of any group. We support that independence of
ICANN but also understand that users, such as the IPC and BC members have
As we are BC members, I would like to offer a discussion opportunity to answer
any outstanding questions. We have indicated our support for a retroactive
'standard' and volunteered to collaborate with others toward that goal. I
believe that another member of the BC from Latin America also supported that
We do not support the BC providing comments at this time, except for calling
for a process to develop standards, which can be retroactively applied.
We propose that the BC comments should be limited to calling for such a process.
Shortly, over 100 IDN gTLDs will be introduced, including several in Arabic
script. As an applicant for UDRP services, with a standing in both the BC and
the IPC, we are fully committed to IP protection. It was disappointing to us
to read the BC Draft statement that questioned the application statements. All
UDRP providers are in fact limited in their ability to ignore IP case law. The
BC document ignored the realities.
The BC draft seemed not to fully appreciate UDRP requirements. I want to assure
all BC members that the application and the intent of the ACDR is fully
compliant with all UDRP aspects and requirements. The reality is that bringing
in an Arab provider as several Arabic script gTLDs are introduced will ensure
balanced UDRP decisions, with full respect for IP.
As I saw from another BC member from Latin America, providers of such services
are essential -- as new gTLDs enter the field.
If the BC members are open, I am happy to organize a discussion conference call.
In the meantime, I do not support the BC statement, which lacks full
information and did not in fact, ask us for a discussion to clarify any
Best Regards,
Mahmoud A. Lattouf
Executive Director - AGIP Offices
Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property
Member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization
Tel.: +962 6 5100 900 ext. 1623
Fax: +962 6 5100 901
Email: mlattouf@xxxxxxxx<mailto:mlattouf@xxxxxxxx>
URL: www.agip.com<http://www.agip.com/>
TAGORG.com The Global organization for professional, business, intellectual
property, education, culture and capacity building services.
We work hard to stay first
From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
[mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Steve DelBianco
Sent: 21 March, 2013 04:56
To: bc - GNSO list
Subject: [bc-gnso] DRAFT FOR REVIEW: BC comment on ACDR's proposal to serve as
a UDRP provider
Attached is a draft comment from the BC regarding ICANN's call for comments on
ACDR's proposal to serve as a UDRP provider
The initial comment period ends 22-Mar and reply comments close 13-Apr.
(UDRP is the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy)
Note: ACDR is the Arab Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution, and is
affiliated with BC Member Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.
Phil Corwin volunteered as rapporteur for these comments.
As mentioned on our member call last week, this draft does not propose any
changes to previous BC positions. Instead, the attached comment repeats the
BC position expressed twice before:
2011: BC comments on Preliminary Issue Report on current state of the UDRP
2010: Business Constituency comment on recognizing new UDRP providers
The 2010 BC position on ACDR's initial application was that the BC could not
support any accreditation of additional UDRP providers until ICANN developed a
standard and enforceable mechanism to assure uniformity in UDRP
administration. BC members should note that non-support is distinct from
outright opposition.
We are taking comments on this draft until midnight 21-Mar with plan to submit
on 22-Mar. In my view, there is no requirement for formal voting since the BC
is not taking any new positions in this draft.
However, if 10% of BC membership objects or proposes changes to the prior
positions expressed here, we'll hold a call to consider changing the present BC
position. We have until 13-Apr to debate and develop a new position, if it
comes to that. Keep in mind that any vote to change positions would require a
majority vote of BC members. (per Charter section 7.3)
Steve DelBianco
Vice chair for policy coordination
Business Constituency

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