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R: [bc-gnso] Durban Meeting BC Attendees & Extra information

  • To: "'Hansen, Anjali'" <AHansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Friedman, Richard'" <Richard.Friedman@xxxxxxxxxx>, <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: R: [bc-gnso] Durban Meeting BC Attendees & Extra information
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 16:10:17 +0200

Dear Anjali,


Thank you for your response and for letting me know that you are a French
speaker, that's very helpful. 


We are currently organizing the BC and CSG agendas, and the public agenda
for all of the different meetings is not posted yet, but based on previous
meetings I would recommend being there on Friday evening if possible to
attend the weekend GNSO Working Sessions. On Sunday the CSG hosts an early
morning meeting, normally with the two Board Members from the House. This is
yet to be confirmed for the Durban meeting. 


For Durban the CSG has also asked for extra time either before or after the
Council meeting on Sunday, which is yet to be scheduled. 


For the rest of the week the BC has the following meetings scheduled:


.         Monday: a closed meeting at lunchtime, 

.         Tuesday: the Cross Constituency Breakfast with the GAC, open CSG
meeting in preparation for the CSG meeting with the Board, the CSG Meeting
with the Board, and finally the BC open meeting in the afternoon.

.         Wednesday: BC closed meeting at lunchtime 


Other than the BC meetings, I would recommend staying for the GNSO Public
Meeting which generally takes place on Wednesday and for the Public Forum
which was on Thursday in Beijing. Dates and times for all meetings will be
confirmed once the ICANN Meeting Schedule is posted online.


Please let me know if you have any further questions,



Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat






Da: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] Per conto di
Hansen, Anjali
Inviato: jeudi 30 mai 2013 15:37
A: 'Friedman, Richard'; Benedetta Rossi; bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: RE: [bc-gnso] Durban Meeting BC Attendees & Extra information




I plan on attending the Durban meetings and I am a French speaker.  However,
I have not yet made travel plans.  Can you please advise on the first day
you recommend arriving so that I can attend any BC or other recommended
events and best day to stay through?  I am still new at this.  


Thank you for your help as always.




Anjali Karina Hansen  Deputy General Counsel


Tel: 703-247-9340

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Email:  <mailto:ahansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ahansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Friedman, Richard
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:22 AM
To: Benedetta Rossi; bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] Durban Meeting BC Attendees & Extra information


Hi Benedetta,


I do not plan on attending the Durban meeting.



Richard A. Friedman | Assistant General Counsel - Trademarks | Pfizer Inc.
office: +1.212.733.0086 | fax: +1.646.563.9537 | email:
<mailto:richard.friedman@xxxxxxxxxx> richard.friedman@xxxxxxxxxx


From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Benedetta Rossi
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:02 AM
To: bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bc-gnso] Durban Meeting BC Attendees & Extra information


Dear BC Members,


In preparation for the upcoming meeting in Durban, can you please confirm
whether you will be attending the meeting, and provide me with the following


.         Arrival/departure dates

.         Hotel name

.         Contact details on site

.         Extra guests 


Additionally for this meeting, can you please let me know if you have
African business colleagues that you will encourage to attend the meeting in
Durban, and whether you are a French speaker? We are currently preparing for
the Cross Constituency Breakfast with the GAC, and expect several French
only speakers within the GAC and from Africa, so it would be great to know
who within the BC is a French speaker to coordinate this meeting as
efficiently as possible.


Thank you ever so much for your help,



Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat






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