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[bc-gnso] GAC Communiqué Issued at ICANN 47 | ICANN

  • To: bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] GAC Communiqué Issued at ICANN 47 | ICANN
  • From: Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:53:59 +0200

> Dear BC Members,

Please find below an ICANN announcement regarding the GAC. communique issued 
during the Durban meeting.

Thank you,

Kindest regards,

Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat
> GAC Communiqué Issued at ICANN 47
> 18 July 2013
> The Governmental Advisory Committee meeting at ICANN 47 in Durban, South 
> Africa has issued its Durban Communique’. It is available for review at

> http://durban47.icann.org/meetings/durban2013/presentation-gac-communique-18jul13-en.pdf.

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