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[bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers: GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group

  • To: bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers: GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group
  • From: Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:25:26 +0200

> http://gnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-18jul13-en.htm
> Call for Volunteers: GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group
> In brief
> The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council seeks volunteers to 
> serve on a Working Team that has been tasked to address a number of issues 
> that have been raised in the context of the recent discussions on policy & 
> implementation that affect the GNSO.
> What This Working Group Will Do
> The Working Group is tasked to provide the GNSO Council with a set of 
> recommendations on:
> 1.      A set of principles that would underpin any GNSO policy and 
> implementation related discussions, taking into account existing GNSO 
> Operating Procedures.
> 2.      A process for developing gTLD policy, perhaps in the form of “Policy 
> Guidance”, including criteria for when it would be appropriate to use such a 
> process (for developing policy other than “Consensus Policy”) instead of a 
> GNSO Policy Development Process;
> 3.      A framework for implementation related discussions associated with 
> GNSO Policy Recommendations;
> 4.      Criteria to be used to determine when an action should be addressed 
> by a policy process and when it should be considered implementation, and;
> 5.      Further guidance on how GNSO Implementation Review Teams, as defined 
> in the PDP Manual, are expected to function and operate.
> For further details on the charter, please see 
> http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/policy-implementation-charter-04jul13-en.pdf.
> How This Working Group Will Work
> ICANN Working Groups use transparent, open processes. The meetings of this WG 
> will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to the public. The 
> mailing list for the Working Group will be archived publicly. Working Group 
> members are expected to submit Statements of Interest (SOI). The group will 
> collaborate using a public workspace. The Working Group is expected to follow 
> the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.
> How to Join
> The GNSO Council invites all interested parties to put forward their names so 
> they can be added to the WG mailing list. The WG will be open to anyone 
> interested to join. Community members who wish to be invited to join the 
> group should contact the GNSO secretariat (gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxx).
> Background
> Mainly as a result of discussions stemming from implementation related issues 
> of the new gTLD program, there is increased focus on which topics call for 
> policy and which call for implementation work, including which processes 
> should be used, at what time and how diverging opinions should be acted upon. 
> In order to facilitate these discussions, ICANN Staff developed a draft 
> framework for community discussion that identifies a number of steps and 
> criteria that might facilitate dealing with similar questions in the future. 
> The paper identifies a number of questions that the community may want to 
> consider further in this context, as well as a couple of suggested 
> improvements that could be considered in the short term. While developing a 
> bright-line rule as to what is policy or implementation may not be possible, 
> the hope is that by developing clear processes and identifying clear roles 
> and responsibilities for the different stakeholders, it will become easier to 
> deal with these issues going forward and allow for broad participation and 
> involvement. Following several discussions by the GNSO Council on this topic, 
> the GNSO Council has now formed a Working Group which has been tasked to 
> provide concrete recommendations on how to address some of these issues from 
> a GNSO perspective.
> Glen de Saint Géry
> GNSO Secretariat
> gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://gnso.icann.org

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