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[bc-gnso] Policy calendar for 7-Nov-2013 BC member call

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Policy calendar for 7-Nov-2013 BC member call
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 13:41:05 +0000

Here's a Policy Calendar for Today's BC call.  (7-Nov-2013)

Channel 1. BC participation in ICANN Public Comment process:
ICANN Public Comment page is <http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment> 
here<https://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment>.   Selected comment 
opportunities below:

1. Draft Final 
 on protecting IGO/INGO identifiers in all TLDs at top & 2nd level.    
(comments closed 1-Nov)
The BC filed comments last week 

 on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse     (reply comments by 13-Nov)
Thanks to Elisa Cooper and Susan Kawaguchi for drafting BC comments (attached) 
that we circulated on 31-Oct.  Please REPLY ALL with any questions or 
suggestions before the 11-Nov deadline.

3. Revised Public Interest Commitments dispute resolution 
 (PICDRP).    (reply comments by 14-Nov)
Thanks to Gabi Szlak and Anjali Hansen for drafting the BC Comment that we 
submitted on 24-Oct. 
   Still time to file a reply comment if we have remaining concerns.

4. Second Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft 
Report/Recommendations.   (initial comments by 22-Nov)
The ATRT2 just published its draft review/recommendations 
The BC offered several suggestions to the ATRT2 when they began in Jun-2013  
Initial comments are due 22-Nov so we want draft comments circulated to BC 
members before 8-Nov.
Anjali volunteered to draft and other help is welcome.

5. Proposed bylaw changes for Technical Liaison Group

6. Thick Whois PDP recommendations   (initial comments by 7-Dec)
The BC commented on the PDP initial report on 3-Aug-2013 
Should we do another comment on the final recommendations?

7. ICANN draft for Vision, Mission & Focus for 5-year Strategic Plan       
(comments close 31-Jan)
This draft is output of April-September "brainstorming" by board, community and 

Note: BC members are encouraged to submit individual/company comments.  The BC 
selects topics on which to submit official positions based on member interest.

Channel 2. Support for discussion and votes of our representatives on GNSO 
John Berard and Zahid Jamil, BC Councilors.  Gabi Szlak, Councilor-Elect

Next Council meeting is 20-Nov-2013, 17:00 UTC.   Agenda and Motions to be 
posted by 10-Nov.
GNSO Project list is here<http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/projects-list.pdf>.

Channel 3. Supporting discussion/voting on matters before the Commercial 
Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Marilyn Cade, CSG Liaison
Procedure to elect GNSO Council officers
Planning for Buenos Aires meeting

Channel 4. BC statements and responses during public meetings (outreach events, 
public forum, etc.)
Some topics that will be prominent in Buenos Aires:

Recent developments in global internet governance and the implications for 
ICANN and for private sector role.

Implementing GAC Advice on Safeguards and Exclusive Generic gTLDs.

ICANN plans to delegate Singular and Plural forms of same string, despite GAC 
advice and community concerns. The BC sent a letter to ICANN CEO and Board on 
with two requests:
First, we request that ICANN publish any evidence considered by expert panels, 
arbitration providers, and ICANN staff in its evaluation of these decisions.
Second, we ask that ICANN publish more specific objective criteria used to 
judge string similarity, and then allow for an appeal system where applicants 
can challenge prior ICDR decisions on singular-plural TLDs based on this 
specific criteria.

ICANN’s latest plan to manage collisions between new gTLD strings and domains 
used in private networks. 

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