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[bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers GNSO Policy Translation and Transliteration PDP Working Group

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers GNSO Policy Translation and Transliteration PDP Working Group
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:38:06 +0100

Dear BC Members,


Please find below a call for volunteers for the GNSO Policy Translation and
Transliteration PDP Working Group.


Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat







Call for Volunteers GNSO Policy Translation and Transliteration PDP Working


In Brief

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council is seeking
volunteers to serve on the PDP Working Group (WG) on Translation and
Transliteration of Contact Information.


This WG is expected to make recommendations to the GNSO Council on whether
it is desirable to translate or transliterate contact information. In this
context, translation is the process of conveying the meaning of text from on
language into another; transliteration is the process of representing the
characters of one alphabetical or syllabic system of writing by the
characters of another, conversion alphabet.


Introductory Webinar

To provide potential volunteers with an idea of the PDP Process including
Working Group procedures and also some background information on the WG's
substantive issues, an Introductory Webinar will be held at the following


Tuesday 10 December 2013, 12.00-13.00UTC - local times:
<http://tinyurl.com/m2suev5> http://tinyurl.com/m2suev5

Wednesday 11 December 2013, 18.00-19.00UTC - local times
<http://tinyurl.com/kyk5lej> http://tinyurl.com/kyk5lej


To join the webinar please RVSP to gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx


First meeting

If you are interested in joining the Working Group, please contact
gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx. The first meeting of the Working Group is currently
foreseen to take place in the week of 16 December - a doodle poll will be
send out the week prior to determine a convenient meeting time. 





.        Following the Recommendations of the Final Report
<http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/ird/final-report-ird-wg-07may12-en.pdf>  of
the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group, a Final Issue Report
-en.pdf>  on Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information was
submitted to the GNSO Council on 21 March 2013

.        GNSO Council's initiated
3>  a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the translation and
transliteration of contact information on 13 June 2013; Drafting Team was
formed and Charter
pdf>  submitted to GNSO Council and approved
<http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar#nov>  on 20 November


.        As part of its deliberations on this issue, Charter stipulates
several questions for the PDP WG to consider, including (but not limited

-          Whether it is desirable to translate contact information to a
single common language or transliterate contact information to a single
common script.

-          Who should decide who should bear the burden translating contact
information to a single common language or transliterating contact
information to a single common script. 


*       For more detailed, consult the WG's Charter
pdf>  and the GNSO Policy Development Process


.        Note GNSO Council also requested ICANN to commission a study on the
commercial feasibility of translation or transliteration systems for
internationalized contact data, which is expected to be completed in time to
help inform the PDP Working Group in its deliberations. 


Relevant Documents


.        Charter Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP
Working Group (WG) Charter -

.                    Final Issue Report on Translation and Transliteration
of Contact Information

.                    Final Report of the Internationalized Registration Data
Working Group

.                    GNSO Working Group Guidelines, including charter
guidelines (



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