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Voting Director from the At-Large Community to the ICANN Board of Directors

  • To: <bylaws-amend-al-director@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Voting Director from the At-Large Community to the ICANN Board of Directors
  • From: "Jean-Michel Becar" <jm@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 23:52:32 +0200

What struck me during the Brussels  ICANN meeting was the lack of
representation of the real Internet user. On the debate on the new gTLDs
I've heard many lawyers, registrars, registries and Internet consultants but
not a single Internet user .. ALAC of course is trying its best to represent
the users and I really respect their efforts they are rather all advanced
users and not really representing the users from the street, so when will
ICANN ask in the street what users think about adding new gTLDs for example.


So I think the idea to have a voting director from the At Large is a very
good idea but I'm really convinced ICANN needs a candid Director who should
ask to the rest of the Board the questions a street users would ask.


Just my 2 cents after 5 years of being far from ICANN meetings.

Jean-Michel Becar



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