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Issues PDP

  • To: ccnso-issues-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Issues PDP
  • From: Bart Boswinkel <R3H@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 15:56:03 +0200

Nominet UK, the registry for .uk domain names, welcomes the decision of the ccNSO Council to consider initiating a ccPDP in order to review Article IX of the ICANN bylaws. We strongly believe that the bylaws should be amended, in order to address the legitimate concerns of the majority of ccTLD managers who currently feel unable to join the ccNSO.

We support the statement of CENTR, and in particular agree that the ccNSO
should be a forum for information sharing and exchange of best practice.
Above all, we support the principle of subsidiarity: that is determination
of the majority of issues at a local level.

We note that you have specifically asked not to receive drafting
suggestions at this stage. In our view, this is a sensible approach which
will enable you to identify the key principles, leaving detailed drafting
to a later stage. However, we would be more than happy to provide
drafting suggestions at the appropriate stage of the process.

We urge the PDP to focus on the following:

1. Making it totally clear that receipt of IANA services is in no way
contingent on joining, or continuing to be a member of the ccNSO
2. Clarifying and limiting the scope of the ccNSO,
3. Ensuring that no party (including ICANN's board) can make binding
policy for the ccNSO unless within scope and through the ccPDP
4. Ensuring that ccPDP'ed policies are only rejected by the ICANN board in
exceptional circumstances
5. Radically simplifying the ccPDP
6. Ensuring that the ccNSO membership are involved in any future changes
to the ccNSO bylaws.


Lesley Cowley
Chief Executive
Nominet UK
We welcome this initiative which we regard as a positive step in the
development of the ccNSO.

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