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issues PDP

  • To: ccnso-issues-comments@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: issues PDP
  • From: Bart Boswinkel <R3H@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 16:00:23 +0200

Hi, Bart.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this. I find it really positive
that the ccNSO Council has started a process considering amendments in the
bylaws. Hopefully we will reach a solution so that the majority of the ccTLDs
can join the ccNSO.

As for input, we support the CENTR paper, as our main concerns are covered
there. I would especially like to highlight the issues of:
- the limitation of the scope
- the principle of subsidiarity
- the principle that a binding policy should both be within the scope and have
the necessary quorum to pass the ccPDP
but _all_ the concerns covered in the CENTR paper are important to us.

I note that you're only asking for our concerns, and are not asking for
specific suggestions for text changes of the bylaws. This is probably wise
this early in the process, but if you at a later stage want input to specific
changes, we would be glad to help. (The devil is in the details :-)

With kind regards
Hilde Thunem

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Dear Hilde,

As you may know the Council of the ccNSO has requested an Issue Report
" on whether a Policy Development Process should be launched to
consider recommending to the Board of ICANN changes to;

        1       Article IX of the ICANN By Laws
        2       The ccNSO Policy Development Process
(http://www.icann.org/general/bylaws.htm#AnnexB); and
        3       The Scope of the ccNSO

For further information I refer to www.ccnso.icann.org.

As the (interim) Issue manager appointed by the ccNSO Council  I am
responsible for producing the Issue Report. In preparing the this
report I will need to consider a letter from CENTR, but I also need to
consider other input.
Based on the CENTR letter I foresee only three issues which are
specific enough to be dealt with in the PDP:
- the quorum for a membership vote;
- amendment of Article iX  (on the ccNSO); and
- the conditions to set binding policies.

 From previous discussions ( not in my capacity as (interim) Issue
manager ) I know you and others have other specific concerns/issues as
well. If that is still the case could you be so kind as to submit them
at www.ccnso.icann.org before 15th May? You can also sent them to me,
in which case I'll submit them. Please note that at this stage of the
process we only want to see what the specific concerns/issues are.

Kind regards,
Bart Boswinkel
(interim) Issue Manager ccNSO PDP


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