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“closed generic” domains should not be permitted.

  • To: comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: “closed generic” domains should not be permitted.
  • From: Brian Aamodt <baamodt1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 09:02:55 -0600

   - We support an Internet that is open and focused and has room for the
   security and alarm industry.
   - Generic words cannot and should not be owned for the exclusive use of
   one company.
   - A closed generic domain is not in the public interest.
   - If ICANN permits any company to possess a “closed domain” – including
   Symantec (a computer company) to use “.security” then the security and
   alarm industry could be lost.
   - Closed use of “.security” is not similar to the way “.com,” “.net” and
   “.org” are used on the Internet daily.
   - Therefore, we believe a closed generic application for “.security” is
   anticompetitive and we request that ICANN require applicants for closed
   generic TLDs to either open the TLD or withdraw for a full refund.

Brian Aamodt

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