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Objection to applications for a closed registry in the identity of .CLOUD
- To: "comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Objection to applications for a closed registry in the identity of .CLOUD
- From: George Anderson <ganderson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 14:53:50 +0000
Dear Sirs,
My organization is in an industry body representing the Cloud Industry from a
supplier perspective.
We believe that the term 'cloud' in the context of cloud computing is:
1. A highly generic phrase that is referred to by the industry as a whole
and is not under restriction or ownership by any organisations, but has become
in essence an industry classification.
2. Reflective of a nascent and evolving market based upon formal market
3. Encompassing technology platforms and solutions that are still
diverging in their innovation.
4. Giving rise to multiple perspectives in regard to defining cloud and
as such underlines the market confusion and immaturity.
5. Free from a Trademark in its pure form meaning that it is not deemed
appropriate as a phrase to trademark. The reasons why cloud could not be
trademarked are sensible to compare to why .cloud should not be restricted to a
single entity. i.e. Trade marks (according to the UK Intellectual Property
Office) are not registrable if they:
a. describe your goods or services or any characteristics of them, for
example, marks which show the quality, quantity, purpose, value or geographical
origin of your goods or services;
b. have become customary in your line of trade;
c. are not distinctive;
d. are three dimensional shapes, if the shape is typical of the goods you
are interested in (or part of them), has a function or adds value to the goods;
e. are specially protected emblems;
f. are offensive;
g. are against the law, for example, promoting illegal drugs; or;
h. are deceptive. There should be nothing in the mark which would lead the
public to think that your goods and services have a quality which they do not.
As such, with the market still nascent and evolving and with a level of
confusion as to what cloud means it would be counter-productive to restrict the
use of .cloud to one organisation.
We reiterate that the phrase cloud cannot be clearly assigned to any one
organisation operating in that market today and should not be granted as a
closed registry.
We are supportive of the implementation of an open registry for .cloud and any
related action that would enable the use of .cloud domains by any credible
cloud service provider.
We request that ICANN only allow registry applications for .cloud that protects
its status as an industry wide classification and enables the market to
continue to evolve and innovate in a healthy competitive landscape.
We strongly object to the notion of .cloud becoming a closed registry.
Yours sincerely,
George Anderson |Senior Product Marketing Manager - Enterprise
Webroot Services Limited | Venture House, Arlington Square,
Downshire Way, Bracknell, RG12 1WA UK
Direct: + 44(0)2033 492224
Cell: + 44(0)7584 016318
E-mail: ganderson@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:ganderson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Web: www.webroot.com<http://www.webroot.com>
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