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Objection to applications for a closed registry in the identity of .CLOUD
- To: "'comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx'" <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Objection to applications for a closed registry in the identity of .CLOUD
- From: Simon Rutt <Simon.Rutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 17:37:45 +0000
Dear Sir/Madam
Trustmarque has been delivering IT services and solutions to some of the UK's
largest and most complex organisations since 1987, and is one of the largest
and fastest growing Value Added Resellers (VARs) in the country.
Trustmarque is also "G-Cloud" accredited; The G-Cloud Programme is a cross
government initiative designed to focus on introducing cloud ICT services into
government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector.
"Cloud" in the context of the IT industry, is a highly generic & mainstream
phrase that is referred to by the industry as a whole and is not under
restriction or ownership by any organisations, but has become in essence an
industry classification.
As such, it would be counter-productive to restrict the use of .cloud to one
organisation. We reiterate that the phrase "cloud" cannot be clearly assigned
to any one organisation operating in that market today and should not be
granted as a closed registry.
We are supportive of the implementation of an open registry for .cloud and any
related action that would enable the use of .cloud domains by any credible
cloud service provider.
We request that ICANN only allow registry applications for .cloud that protects
its status as an industry wide classification and enables the market to
continue to evolve and innovate in a healthy competitive landscape.
Kind regards
Simon Rutt
Services and Solutions Director
T > 0845 2101 500
M > 07545 609948
E > simon.rutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:simon.rutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
W > www.trustmarque.com<http://www.trustmarque.com/>
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