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Domain names

  • To: <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Domain names
  • From: Good Talking <good.talking@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 18:55:46 +0800

Closed generic domain names for TLDs must only be allowed if the company 
seeking to close the domain name can prove that no other company or person 
should have access to it. And it must be up to them to prove their case, not up 
to ICANN or other third parties to disprove it.
The basic premise is that all TLDs are open until a company can prove that they 
can close it for their own control.
So companies like BMW can register the TLD ‘.BMW’, and no one else can.
However it must not be possible to register a closed generic domain name such 
as ‘.bank’ or ‘.search’, because multiple companies operate in those industries.
So Coca Cola could register the TLD ‘.cocacola’, but it could not register the 
TLD ‘.cola’ because other companies also sell cola drinks.
Brien Lampen-Smith

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