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about "closed generic"

  • To: comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: about "closed generic"
  • From: Librería Joker <comics@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:33:44 +0100

Dear Sirs.


Our bookstore, Librería Joker, (20 years in the book business) strongly
opposes any applications for a “closed generic” gTLD, especially if
submitted by commercial entities operating in a sector of activity related
to the closed generic gTLD.


In the case of a closed generic gTLD .book, the exclusivity granted to the
winning applicant would de facto strengthen the position of the biggest
bidder to have sole use of the gTLD in the book industry and would therefore
be anti-competitive, discourage innovation and new entrants and be
detrimental to the industry as a whole.


We are therefore asking ICANN not to offer for sale a generic gTLD for .book
and other similar words in general usage.

Yours faithfully


Librería Joker

C/alameda Urkijo 27





Fernando Tarancón

General Director




Alameda Urquijo 27

48008 Bilbao

Tel 944159127


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