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Public Comment on NTIA Transition

  • To: comments-cwg-naming-transition-01dec14@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Public Comment on NTIA Transition
  • From: Page Howe <dnresale@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 09:26:12 -0600

I am an internet user and domain name owner and i have benefited from the
current system using the internet for the past 17 years.

In those 17 years there have been zero occurances where the NTIA and
ICANN's existing role has caused harm to the domain name system, or the
internet as a whole.

The US role in the oversight has been an effective mix of public
participation holding the prominent role, a private entity tasked with some
responsibilities, and a free government with a freedom based constitution
in an oversight and checks and balances role.

I would hate to see this perfect record end because of the speculation,
that a better system might exist,  to please actors who have their own
interests in change.

First an assumption is being made the current system needs change. The
assumption was not based on the public's view, but on that of a certain
number of participants, in non-permanent roles.

In this case i believe change itself threatens to undermine the domain name
system, and ICANN itself cannot be tasked with determining the process and
the parties that will provide it oversight.

ICANN, please consider the enemy is in the mirror, and the internet
community is not served with this self-serving plan.

Furthermore, there is nothing n the process that suggests complete openness
and transparency if we are being asked to comment on getting rid of what
has worked, and we don't even know the specifics of the new system, yet the
public comment period will suffice later as having being met....

Page Howe

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