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IGO, INGO Protections and IPCs Suggestion Failures
- To: <comments-igo-ingo-crp-prelim-10mar14@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IGO, INGO Protections and IPCs Suggestion Failures
- From: "MarketLift" <Chip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 09:53:02 -0400
While I strongly support the notion of protecting the rights of IGOs, and
INGOs as it relates to domain names, I do not support the extension of that
protection for their exclusive rights to generic acronyms that are and can
be legally shared with countless other worthy and legitimate organizations.
To do so would artificially inhibits the rights of those others who share
those acronyms without due process. Remember, this policy was designed and
only works because it addresses only clear cut cases of abuse. Where the
issue is more complex and rights might be at conflict, there are other
avenues that allow for due process.
In addition, the IPCs suggestion of including the language change of and to
or referencing the UDRP ¶ 4(b) and URS ¶ 1.2.6 section of the current
policy regarding bad faith registration, seems a blatant attempt to alter
one of the most important tenets of the current policy. I strongly object
to that change and view it as a lazy and sleazy attempt to change
significant policy through back channel lobbying rather than via open debate
where those attempts have regularly been dismissed and rejected by the
community at large.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Chip Meade

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