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.jobs reply period comment

  • To: <comments-jobs-renewal-09dec14@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: .jobs reply period comment
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:50:14 -0500

Thank you for the opportunity to provide a reply period comment.


The steps to become a .jobs registrar are publicly available at
http://goto.jobs/registrars.asp and have not substantively changed in the 9+
years of operations of the sTLD.  The process entails being accredited as a
registrar with ICANN, downloading and executing the .JOBS RRA, and sending
it to us.  It can be sent by traditional mail and/or by email attachment to
the email address contained on this instructional page if so desired.  We've
received many both ways.  We then counter sign the RRA and inform Verisign.
Verisign's Customer Affairs Office (CAO) then contacts the registrar to
begin the .jobs on-boarding process, or OT&E.  Upon completion of this, the
registrar becomes a .jobs accredited registrar.  .jobs currently has over 50
registrars including one that recently completely this process exactly as
described.  All .jobs accredited registrars have followed this same process
without exception and this process has not varied.  With this said, Part V
of Appendix S of the .jobs Registry Agreement inherently permits some
discretion in the selection of registrars which not all ICANN accredited
registrars may realize is the case, and different than say the .com gTLD.


General inquiries can be made by both phone and email and we receive and
respond to many.  Phone numbers, email addresses and our physical address
are contained at www.goto.jobs.  Anyone may also contact me (Ray Fassett)
directly at 1-216-426-1500 Ext 127 or by email ray(at) goto.jobs, and I've
always encouraged anyone to do so.  


.jobs does not currently operate in a real-time registration environment.
We fully realize this operational approach impacts our volume and does not
fit naturally with general real-time registrar operations.  There is at
times dissatisfaction from those seeking names upon discovering this,
including complaints to us.  We try to respect the registrar/registrant
customer relationship from our position as the registry operator but we make
every effort to handle complaints we receive on a timely basis.  Lastly, we
review our operations frequently towards improving satisfaction amongst both
.jobs registrars and their customers.


We trust you find this comment helpful and constructive as intended.




Ray Fassett


1-216-426-1500 Ext 127

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