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Commetns from KNET

  • To: comments-lgr-second-level-10mar15 <comments-lgr-second-level-10mar15@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Commetns from KNET
  • From: "jczhang@xxxxxxx" <jczhang@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 16:38:26 +0800

Despite the good intention, we don't see the necessity to formulate the Label 
Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for all second level domains at this time. The 
current IDN tables and the related generation rules stated in every single 
application document seem to be enough for PDT and RSEP. 

We should first focus on the rules for the top level. Once the work on this 
level is done, each registry is supposed to have full control of the LGRs at 
the second level. We don't believe the differences in characters, variant, 
contextual rules, and format constitute a problem that ICANN has to address 
universally. By contrast, it is an issue that can be resolved at the 
registration level. To reduce the ambiguity between different IDN TLDs, a 
consensus on registration policy might work better.  

Even the majority of the community thinks it is necessary, the timing might not 
be good. Again, shouldn't we address this after we've completed the label 
generation rules at the top level? Before any consensus is reached at this 
level, it will be unfeasible to deal with the issue at the second level.   

Kind regards

张建川 博士、高级研究员
Jian-Chuan Chang, Ph.D. 
Sr. Research Fellow, KNET Co. 
Tel: +86-10-8218-4187
Fax: +86-10-6250-6502
Email: jczhang@xxxxxxx

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