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UDRP Response Time

  • To: comments-locking-domain-name-15mar13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: UDRP Response Time
  • From: Joseph Peterson <outsidecharleston@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 04:33:14 -0600


I read at the following URL, that ICANN is considering a change to its UDRP
policy that would result in less response time for domain owners:


The article mentioned that I could voice my disapproval of such a change by
writing to this email address.  To date, I have never been involved in any
UDRP.  Hopefully, I never will be, since I make a concerted effort to avoid
trademark-infringing domains.  Nevertheless, I manage a large domain
portfolio.  I've seen others involved in UDRPs without much merit.  If any
of my domains were ever to become involved in a UDRP, I know that I would
not want to see my window of opportunity for a response ... shrink.
 Complainants already have an enormous amount of time to prepare for a UDRP
in advance of filing, whereas respondents must deal with a time constraint
that can become problematic in the event of illness or travel.  I'd like to
see my right to a fair hearing maintained rather than eroded. It seems to
me that the proposed change would indeed erode domain owners rights to some

Please consider this a strong vote against the proposed change.

Best Regards
--Joseph Peterson

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