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CBA Comments on ICANN Name Collision Report
- To: "comments-name-collision-05aug13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-name-collision-05aug13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: CBA Comments on ICANN Name Collision Report
- From: Alban Kwan <alban.kwan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:15:21 +0000
To the ICANN Board,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the applicant .cba, .netbank and .commbank, are
greatly concerned about the delay caused by the Name Collision report. We
believe that the .cba TLD should not pose a "high risk" to the internet
security and would like to discuss directly with ICANN/SSAC on the risk
assessment. After some internal investigation, we would like to comment that:
1. CBA believes that the '.cba' gTLD should be categorised as low risk
2. The high number of .cba references observed at the root DNS level is
due to:
a. CBA internal systems and applications make extensive use of '.cba' as
a strictly internal domain.
b. Externally signed '.cba' certificates for CBA internal use
3. As the cause of the name collision is primarily from CBA internal
systems and associated certificate use, it is within the CBA realm of control
to detect and remediate said systems and internal certificate use.
4. CBA will undertake internal investigation to verify the origins of the
'.cba' request and specifically how these requests are flowing into the
Internet. appropriate remediation will occur upon completion of these
investigation to resolve the collisions.
5. As the owner of the '.cba' gTLD as well as the internal application
systems and certificates noted above, CBA is strongly motivated to identify and
remediation the sources of name collision in a timely manner.
Submitted on Behalf of:
Cate Cobby
Online Channel Development Manager
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Alban Kwan
New gTLD Manager, Asia Pacific
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